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Priyadharsini RK
Priyadharsini RK

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Type of Testing Techniques with example

Testing Techniques:

         Software Testing Techniques help to design test cases and also helps to cover requirements, Since exhaustive testing is impossible.  Its has different types of techniques which help to align and fulfil the test conditions. It helps to avoid increasing testcase in further.
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1.Boundary value analysis –
Boundary value analysis is based on testing at the boundaries between partitions. It includes maximum, minimum, inside or outside boundaries, typical values and error values.
For Example,
A Textbox will accepts age in numbers from 18 to 56,
Testcases to cover boundary value analysis,
1.To verify if Minimum Value input is accepting or not - 18
2.To verify if Maximum Value input is acceting or not – 56

  1. To verify if Minimum-1 Value input is acceting or not – 17
  2. To verify if Minimum+1 Value input is acceting or not – 19
  3. To verify if Maximum+1 Value input is acceting or not – 57
  4. To verify if Maximum-1 Value input is acceting or not – 55

2.Decision Table –
-A decision table is also known as to Cause-Effect table. This software testing technique is used for functions which respond to a combination of inputs or events.

Test Condition | TC1 TC2 TC3 TC4

User Name |Valid Invalid Valid Invalid
Password |Valid Valid Invalid Invalid
Homepage |Yes

Invalid/Error | Yes Yes Yes

Using decision table , it reduces time and effort tester and helps to align the testcases to cover requirements with less effort .Since we are documenting testcases in table it helps to verify for further use and also add scenarios when it missed while verify the table.

3.UseCase Testing:
Use Case Testing is a one of the software testing technique it helps to identify test cases that cover entire system on a transaction from start to end. In this technique should involve and make interaction with software system. Its helps to identify defects in an application which may missed to find by testing individual software components.

In general Use case Testing is depends on User Actions and System’s Response. 
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For Example,

UseCase Name | Login

UseCase Description | User login into System and redirecting to
Actors | User,Admin
Pre-Condition | User credentials to be entered
Post-Condition | Successful login ,user will get
confirmation mail

Main Scenario S.No Steps

Actors/Users 1 Enter Username and Password
2 Validate Username and Password
3 Redirecting to Homepage
Extension 1a Invalid Username
System will throw error msg “Please enter
valid Username”
2b Invalid Password
System will throw error msg “Please enter
valid password”
3c Invalid password more than 3times then
Account will be blocked.

4.LCSAJ Testing:
Linear Code Sequence and Jump, it is used to determine code coverage.Percentage of a code executed with existing testcase and also helps to designing new testcases and increase coverage.
Once the code coverage reaches a certain level, we can stop the testing.
A single LCSAJ has,
• Start of the segment, End of the segment and specific target line a=5,b=3;
10.return 0;
LCSAJ | Sequence Start | Sequence End | Jump |

  1. 2 5 10
  2. 6 9 10
  3. 10 11 Exit _______________________________________________________

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