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Discussion on: 10 Standout GitHub Profile READMEs

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Puneet Gopinath

Hey James George, you no longer maintain it. So here is a fork of it to use instead:

GitHub logo Readme-Workflows / recent-activity

Add your recent activity to your profile readme!

Recent Activity

GitHub stars GitHub forks GitHub issues GitHub repo size Lines of code Discord Chat Contributor Covenant

This GitHub Action is a Fork of the original GitHub Activity Readme Action by jamesgeorge007.
Its our goal is to improve the original GitHub Action while also providing new features for the users.

Live Preview

This is an example live preview that is updated every time a commit is pushed using github actions.

Last Updated: Thursday, May 20th, 2021, 3:17:39 PM (GMT)

  1. ❗️ Closed issue #5 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  2. 🎉 Merged PR #6 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  3. 🗣 Commented on #3 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  4. ❗️ Closed issue #4 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity
  5. 💪 Opened PR #6 in Readme-Workflows/recent-activity


The Action currently has the following Settings that you can set through the with option.

Option Description Default Supported Placeholder
GH_USERNAME The User to get latest activity from Repository Owner
COMMIT_MSG The Commit Message to use when updating the README ⚡ Update README with the recent activity
MAX_LINES How many activities to display 5