
Tools I use for front-end dev

Tomas Pustelnik on April 23, 2020

This article was first published at my personal blog. Front-end development is quite a complex discipline and you will hardly ever need only a bro...
wingmatt profile image
Matt Wing

This is a great list of front end tools! I'm excited to try, I hadn't heard of it before and it looks like it will cut down on my googling considerably.

I can second VS code as an IDE, MDN/CSS-Tricks for explanations of CSS attributes, and caniuse as the place to check any time I hear about a new feature that sounds almost too good to be true.

For Lighthouse reports I like to use which gives you a shareable HTML report link after running the audit.

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Definitely try Devdocs. Having all documentation in one place and offline is super helpful for me.

ferblape profile image
Fernando Blat

Great list, thanks for sharing!

I'd add this fantastic tool to perform automatic validations

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Thanks that looks interesting, will definitely check it out

leo411 profile image
Léopoldine Hallynck

Great list Tomas, thank you for sharing!
Looking forward to try them out on my next project.
Regarding the search engine check Ecosia, it is a search engine that plants tree! 🌱🌱
So you reforesting while solving tech issues ! 😉

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Thanks for the tip, Will have a look

weakish profile image
Jang Rush

Awesome list! I'd like to translate it to Chinese. Can you give me the permission? The translated text will be published on Thanks in advance.

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Hi, sure, go ahead. It's great you want to do it. And thanks for asking. Could you send me a link once it's done? Would like to see how it looks in Chinese :-).

weakish profile image
Jang Rush

Just published the Chinese translation:

You could select encoding on the old Google Fonts page, but I can't fount it anywhere on their new site.

I did not find the option either. The Google Font API offers text and subset query parameter, I guess Google removed the subsetting UI to encourage users to use their web font service instead.

Thread Thread
pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Yeah too bad they removed it (Google Fonts), I prefer to host web fonts myself to get a better control over it and slightly better performance. Guess I will have to subset it manually in the future.

And thanks for the link the translated article and for the effort you put into it. It's so short in chinese 😆. And the hero image is great 👌. Hope it will help some more people.

local_ash profile image
Æsh Dyanî

Amazing list. Thank you for sharing

theweeappshop profile image
Tony Ross

Very useful, thanks Tomas!

victorekpodecodedigital profile image

Awesome list

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Thanks, glad you like it. I hope it will help you in some way. 👍

magarcia profile image
Martin Garcia

Great list Tomas, I'm saving most of these resources to have it on my toolchain.

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Thanks, glad it helped.

joserfelix profile image
Jose Felix

Great post! By the way, CSS-Tricks link seem to point to the wrong website (

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Oh my. Thanks for the good catch. I will fix it.

am_rahuls profile image

Great list Tomas. I have just started learning web dev and I'll keep this list as my standard reference of tools. Thank you

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Hi Rahul. Good luck with the web dev and keep learning 💪. I hope those tools will help you as they help me.

amitmojumder profile image
Amit Mojumder

great list. that DevDocs one is massive. Thanks a lot for sharing this?
also, interested to know what else do you use in terms of css like SCSS and build tools like node/npm etc?

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Hi Amit, good to hear it was useful to you. As for other dev tools I usually use npm scripts. We pack on some occasions. In terms of CSS I used to use sass but these days I usually go with postCSS. There is plenty of plugins to suit most of my needs. I have also experience with CSS in JS but I still don't how to feel about them. But in general I try to always pick a tools based on the project needs.

10tje profile image
Martijn van Egmond

Great post Tomas and sure some tools I never heard of before.
Going to check them on my next project, thanks!

pustelto profile image
Tomas Pustelnik

Thanks, I'm glad it was helpful. Take care.