4 Letter Fails
If your README.md contains any four-letter-words then "4 Letter Fails" will halt the workflow. This GitHub Action checks your README.md for profanity and fails if any are found.
Submission Category:
Wacky Wildcards
Yaml File or Link to Code
GitHub Repository:
This GitHub Action checks your README.md for profanity and fails if any is found
4 Letter Fails
This GitHub Action checks your README.md for profanity and fails if any is found.
Using 4 Letter Fails
- uses: actions/4-Letter-Fails@v1
- Clone repo:
git clone git@github.com:PuZZleDucK/4-Letter-Fails.git
You can create a badge for your profanity filter by... Example badge here
GitHub Actions Hackathon
This is also my entry for the GitHub Actions For Open Source hackathon on DEV.to
Release Management
- Create & validate a release branch:
git flow release start v1
- Tag release:
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Release 1.0.0 - Slanderous Skink"
- Create major release on GitHub
- Move the major version tag (such as v1, v2) to the latest point release
- Introduce a new major version tag (if needed)
Releases - Changelog
Version 1.0.0 - Slanderous Skink
- Initial release
Current Limitations
- Only checks README.md
- fixed profanity list
Marketplace: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/4-letter-fails
Additional Resources / Info
Under the hood it's making use of profanityfilter: https://github.com/areebbeigh/profanityfilter and a custom action
Currently having problems trying to use the action in other repositories. It's published on the market, but when I use it I always get An action could not be found at the URI 'https://api.github.com/repos/actions/4-Letter-Fails/tarball/v1'
Author: Ben Minerds (PuZZleDucK)
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