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React Hooks vs. Redux

Bentil Shadrack on December 29, 2022

In developing and application, Data management is an important concept used by developers to minimize potential errors by establishing processes an...
leob profile image

If your app is moderately complex and needs a substantial amount of "global" state management, then I'd just go with Redux ... Context is not really THAT much simpler (you'll probably still end up writing the same kind of reducers and actions, etc).

The problem with Context is that it's not that smart about what to re-render, it will often just re-render the whole component tree - Redux does that a lot better, and in the end it's not really harder to use (especially not if you use the great Redux Toolkit, which means you're going to write a LOT less boilerplate).

alexerdei73 profile image
AlexErdei73 • Edited

I haven't used context yet, but as I saw in code samples, it does not look much different from Redux, so you might be right. Redux is a powerful tool above a certain amount of UI complexity. If you had this kind of task to solve, I would just go ahead to learn a bit Redux. If you practice it without trying to memorize the pattern, you will be OK with it. You will realize that your part is just doing the same thing over and over again and it leads a very nice application pattern, which is loosely coupled code. It's easy to test and debug and Redux gives you invaluable tools for this too in the form of browser extension for time-travel debugging. The true difficulties and most of the pattern is hidden away from your eyes and buried in the library itself. If you wanted to touch Redux itself, that would require a very different level of knowledge and skills, but trust me, you couldn't do it better than those, who already done it. It's just better to learn how to use it at the beginning then some day you will be able to understand the inner working of the things inside too. Until that, just rely on the job of those experts, who wrote it for you.

leob profile image

Amen to all that ... and the Redux Toolkit vastly reduces the amount of boilerplate code that you need to write.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Oh nice

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Awesome input
Thank you

leob profile image

Thank you too for the article ... and on top of that, Redux can aid in answering the eternal React problem "where the heck do I put my business logic?"

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack


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alexerdei73 profile image
AlexErdei73 • Edited

The business logic is always outside of the UI logic either way or that way in the case of React. My app does not have business logic, because it's a huge React UI. A Facebook clone is just a huge UI. The problem there is how to connect it to your back-end. Other apps have a large amount of business logic, which can be quite complex. React won't help with this at all. The role of React is nothing else than simplifying the rendering of your UI. This itself can be very difficult in the case of a difficult UI and without a front-end framework can result a huge amount of inefficient DOM manipulation code, which can be very tricky. Tricky code is usually bad code too. The main point of a front-end framework is the simplification of this code. In the case of React your business logic can be simple vanilla JavaScript code, which is working on the React state. This way the UI reflects the results of your business logic. It's usually not a big issue to connect vanilla JavaScript code with your React UI, unless the global state of the UI has been scattered through all of the UI components. The important principle is the single source of truth. The global state should be kept in the root component, which is the point of connection as well. Redux makes it even more simple to keep the global state in a separate Redux store. It also gives the tools to connect your vanilla JavaScript code to the Redux store. This itself can be done without Redux too, but Redux makes it even easier. On the other hand try to connect your back-end nicely to the React UI. This is more difficult even in the case of a BaaS service like Firebase too. Redux can be a good help here. If someone is interested, how complex business logic can be connected with a React UI, I can show a great example. Check this project: react-tic-tac-toe. This is a simple tic-tac-toe game with a React UI. The connection point is the App.js file in the src folder. This project has a version without the React UI. You can find it here tic-tac-toe. You can compare these code wise. The UI is simple enough not to use React at all. You can see what difference React makes in the code. This app does not require Redux at all.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you Alex

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psahni profile image
Prashant Sahni

What a clear concise opinion. Thanks Alex

mukadas profile image
Mukadas Maltiti

Do I have to jump right into redux or I should use it only when I'm dealing with complex data in state?

alexerdei73 profile image

I think you can jump into Redux right away, when you are comfortable with basic React. You should be able to use class components, function components, use State and useEffect hooks well. You should know how to do prop drilling as well to pass global state from your root components down to the child components. At this point you should learn some basic terminology and the software pattern, how Redux handles the global state with React. Don't worry about the boilerplate, it's not so bad by these days. You have redux-toolkit and react-redux libraries to make things relatively simple. It's relatively simple, but introducing this complexity only worth for huge UIs, like a Facebook clone for example. Redux docs are very good and written by Mark Ericson. Do his tutorial and you will be able to refractor your app by Redux.

mukadas profile image
Mukadas Maltiti

okayy, thanks
I'll take a look at the documentation

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alexerdei73 profile image
AlexErdei73 • Edited

Applying Redux is a more powerful tool than simply applying the Context API from React to avoid prop drilling. Redux eliminates the prop drilling, but it does more. In my app for example it beautifully connects Firebase with the React UI. The app was made without Redux first. I used a library, which injected Firebase data into React components directly. Do not do it this way. Most of my components were full of code, handling Firebase. So the back-end handling code was scattered everywhere. This is very bad. Redux let me do that the right way, as Firebase could handle the Redux store separately from the React UI. The link of the app is Fakebook. You can have a look and if you were interested you can see the code on my github. It might be worth a full blog post, but I don't have time for it yet.

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack


qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you Alex!

arturasmckwcz profile image
Arturas Mickiewicz

As far as I know React Context actually rerenders all components in the way despite if they use or not the state. The only benefit is you don't need to do prop drilling in order to access it at some level. If you consider real state injection at any level you need to use Redux or any other real state management tool.

alexerdei73 profile image
AlexErdei73 • Edited

Yes in the case of Context, the global state of your UI is still stored in a React component, usually in the root component (Single source of truth). In the case of Redux, the global state stored separately out of the React component tree, in the Redux store. The state can be connected with some hooks easily to any component in the component tree or the case of Redux even to any JavaScript code out of the React UI. Because of this Context is stricly capable of eliminating the prop drilling problem, but cannot really do anything else for you. It is a purpose built tool for avoiding that problem. Redux on the other hand eliminates the prop drilling problem too, but more powerful tool as it removes the state from the React UI and makes it possible easily to connect to any kind of JavaScript code. It also comes with a tool for debugging in the form of a browser extention. These things lift Redux above to the Context API, which is only enough to avoid prop drilling.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Very true.
Thank you Arturas

dikamilo profile image

What is complex data in state?

If you mean storing mostly responses from API, then consider React Query. Redux have advantages but in most cases is not needed at all and a lot of devs not use "unique" features that Redux provide.

Also, Redux can be used wrongly in app, especially in bigger project, when store is big, bad designed and devs don't know how to subscribe to state effectively.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you @dikamilo

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

You can use it in your mini projects as well.

tealover418 profile image
Stijn de Ligt

I am not a fan of Redux because of the boilerplating and obfuscating code.

Recoil is looking like a good alternative, is there anyone here that has used it for a production platform?

elsyng profile image
Ellis • Edited

Recoil works great, it feels like React, much recommended. I've been using it, also in production, for a while now.

Recoil is about "simplicity", like React, like component based programming. Forget Redux, forget Context. Once you use Recoil, you won't go back. imho :o)

If you use Recoil, think atoms, keep the stores as small as possible. Just like: keep your functions, components, files, states and styling (hint: css-in-js, eg. styled-components) : as small as possible. Atomic.

Avoid larger and global scopes as much as possible :o)

elsyng profile image
Ellis • Edited

Actually replying to @alexerdei73 :)
-- I think one good point is, Redux is a job skill. And actually it should not be. In most cases, the state management does not need to be an (extra) job skill.
-- Recoil (if you keep it simple) is very much like useState. If you need to hold some data for a single file, then you use useState. If you need it for several files, then you use useRecoilState. Otherwise they're kind-of the same, from a certain perspective. You can see it as part of React, just like useState is. It should not be an extra job skill. It is, and should be, just React.

And by the way, I think in many projects, one gets the freedom to choose which tools (eg. hooks) you are going to use.

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alexerdei73 profile image

Now I understand. Recoil is another library to sort out state management for React. Its purpose is like Redux', but according to you and their webpage it's really simple and React like. So it feels like a natural extention of React. It's a very sympatic idea to me. My only problem with it its popularity. Redux is the most popular tool and normally job requirement. Recoil might be the future tool.

alexerdei73 profile image

Recoil sounds like a more complete solution than React with Redux for example. It must be great for your UI problems. Most of us learns frontend-frameworks to find jobs with these. This might be a questionable motivation, but recoil can be a bad choice with its limited popularity for companies. How it compares for Vue.js for example, which is much less popular than React, but people say similar positive things about it than you say about recoil. Vue is certainly popular enough to find jobs with it. How about recoil?

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qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you for throwing more light on the

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Oh I see.
I will give it a try

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

I haven't used it before tho.
I will check it out. Thank you

gsichao profile image

Thanks for the post, Inspired by the FLUX patterns and Redux, I recently create this starter template to create Stores using Only React Hooks and Context API.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you for sharing

ismailghedamsi profile image

Should i use redux for managing multiple modals or using useReducer is enough?

alexerdei73 profile image

I agree with the author. useReducer might be part of context, which I haven't used yet. Context can handle your modals as these are part of your UI. Redux is advantegous if you need to seemlessly combine your React UI with some other code, because it separates the global state from the UI and it makes it both easily connectable to the UI and other code in a loosely coupled way. If you already use Redux for other reasons, it's great to use it for handling your modals too. Modals only on the other hand do not justify the usage of Redux as these belong to the React UI.

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Thank you Alex❤

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

useReducer is enough if you are not using redux at all in the project.
But if you are already using redux then I suggest you continue with redux for the modals as well

reacthunter0324 profile image
React Hunter • Edited

Thanks for great article!!!
I've used redux for many years, but in the previous project, I used react-query including cache.

export const addNewDeviceToList = (key, updated) => {
(old) => {
old.pages[0] = [...updated, ...old.pages[0]]
return old

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Oh great!
I am glad you like it

ginxo profile image
Enrique Mingorance Cano

great article! they are indeed complementary stuff and they should be considered in this way

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack

Yes sure🥳

candlepeter profile image
Isienyi Paschal Ejike

I am comfortable with React hooks and context API

qbentil profile image
Bentil Shadrack
