DEV Community

Discussion on: The Pros, Cons & TypeScript

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Mihail Malo • Edited

Picking Flow in 2018 is a bad idea imo.
It's not strictly a shot in the foot, as the two are extremely similar, so the knowledge is portable, but:

  1. It's a worse experience, especially if you are addicted to VS Code
  2. There are less type definitions available (both community ala @types/ and built in).

These two hit newcomers especially hard and might discourage them from typed JavaScript, which is really the only type of handwritten JavaScript one should be doing.

Source: I've used both to the limit.

Also, some will say that flowtype is more functional and TypeScript is more Object-Oriented. Besides like two keywords of syntax that is a lie and just a way to drag TypeScript through the mire. Both use duck/structural typing, and both can usually fully type your higher order functions with comparable verbosity.