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Quddus Nojimudeen
Quddus Nojimudeen

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The Tools I Learnt during my first two weeks of Learning Programming

we started with the introduction to html,{ hyper text markup language}, and how to start with <!DOCTYPE HTML>

we learn about the title tag

we also know that everything that is being display by the browser is embed in the tag


tag which serve as a beginning of new paragraph,

 we the various type of head tags determine the size of display starting from


, h1 is the biggest an smallest is

we go further by learning div tags where the div is used to group element together

the anchor tag and href used for linking other pages together whereas link and href is used to link html to css

the is used to add image to our work

we go further to into css {cascading style sheet}, where universal selector is the default of css with zero margin, zero padding.

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