DEV Community

Discussion on: Can Developer Productivity be Measured?

quinn profile image

Love this post @nickhodges . Recently when I start with a new teams, I run a workshop to agree how we will measure individual "productivity"/"performance". We go through the usual things, LOC, num of PRs, bugs, before we settle on a binary metric of contributing or not form via 360 feedback - especially when considering the logistic overhead and "policey" feeling of monitoring individuals.

Team productivity is easier as it includes the other disciplines which influence your work (product, analysts, design etc.), can look at number of bugs, how soon bugs fixed, DORA, etc. But I would say the best metric is tied to the company goal/vision - how many customers have you helped with X - fairer as different disciplines can be involved, and aligns individual with the company vision (what matters, results). Your team may have failed most of their projects, but one of their successes brings in most of the profits and customers.

Before looking at performance, it may be worth keeping in mind "hygiene":

  • are people clear on expectations? roles, goals, structure?
  • do they have a good working environment? Fast laptops, salary, work space etc., minimising extraneous cognitive loads through automation, tests, CI/CD, outsourcing (cloud vs self-hosted), etc.
  • do they have a good culture? do they feel they can rely on team mates to do work? can they ask any/silly question? can they politely disagree without consequence? Supportive feedback to help vs being put down?
  • you can probably think of more that need to be in place to get the best out of Engineers.

After those things are addressed you can better spend your energies on measuring productivity or figuring out new ways to do it. As a "by-product" of the above points on good "hygiene" you'll find real improvements in your teams and individuals performance.