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Some thoughts about lab 2 and week 1 of SPO600

Hello guys, today's blog I'm going to share some thoughts about what I learned in the second week of SPO666(Software Portability and Optimization) and the lab2.

Machine language

Machine language is a collection of binary digits or bits that the computer could read it. The computer is able to convert the digits or bits into a series of high and low level pulse signals to drive the hardware and process the order from the user.

Assembly Language

Assembly language was invented to solve the problem that programmer can not understand the binary digits or bits which the computer could read. So the main part of the assembly language is to help people to understand the machine language.


6502 assembly language is the first low-level language I have stepped on so far, it is more complicated than I thought about low-level language. The low-level language is quite a bit far from the popular programming language like C++, Java, Java script. It is more closer to the machine language and it also frequently accesses the memory and other basic components of a machine. It is a bit challenging for me to read and write a little program base on 6502 Assembly language at the beginning of assembly coding experience but I will do more research on it.

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