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Raaquib Pathan
Raaquib Pathan

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The 7-Step Sales Process to Crack B2B Deals

Are you struggling to drive more sales and want to set-up an efficient sales steps for your team? Go ahead and read this post in which I'm going to explain the 7-step sales process in detail.

“More than 65% of B2B clients said that they found value in discussing situations with sales rep.”

When you’re working with the B2B industry, it becomes utmost to maintain professionalism because the people sitting on other side of the table are expecting the same. So, how you can avoid getting stumbled in your sales paradigms? The very clear answer is - you have to set-up a sales process with defined steps and follow it strictly.

Now, there must be a question popping out in your mind about how you can create an efficient sales process. Well, how you can eat an elephant? Of course, one bite at a time! The same goes with this 7-step sales process.

So, let’s cut to the chase and directly jump to the 7-step sales process and understand each step one by one.

7-Step Sales Process:

1) Prospecting

Understanding your audience is vital for any sales rep. You need to identify the requirements of your audience and how you can offer them your products or services. Don’t just add each and everyone to your prospect list blatantly, perform deep research to look for customers that can be potential fit and how you can solve their problem and provide value to them.

Remember, If you’re there for them at the right place and at the right time, you’ll actually crack the deal without even breaking a sweat.

So, identify the best opportunities around you which can be a right fit for both.

2) Approach

You must have heard this quote - “what you say is important but how you say is more important”. Think it like this, your prospect knows what the heck is their problem and you approached them to solve it, but they are more interested in ‘how’ you are going to solve it. And thus, it all boils down to your approach.

And here is an interesting stat - 45.6% of B2B buyers want to hear new ideas at the beginning of a sales conversation.

Your first impression is going to tell a lot about you and your company. Keep your professionalism up-to-the-mark and give a clear message about how your product or services will help them.

3) Presentation

In the world of fake smiles, simplicity and honesty will garner attention more than anything else. So, try to be as simple and honest as possible because people love transparency. They tend to work more with people whom they trust.

Here, the ball is in your net and it’s your chance to build a good relationship with your potential customers. And if you’re working with the B2B industry, I don’t have to tell you about how crucial good relationships in business are.

Don’t ever commit something which you cannot achieve, B2B people have at least a rough idea about what is achievable and what isn’t.

4) Handling Objections and Negotiations

Among all the 7-step sales process, this is the one which every sales rep hates. You'll have a real test of your sales skills here. You need to be a good listener and respect the opinions of the client. Try to answer with a soft and gentle tone but don’t ever lose confidence.

Agree with the client on objections that are legit and also with those on which you’re not sure.

Before starting any negotiations, please make sure that the client has a complete idea about your offer and both of you are on the same page. Understand the budget constraint of the client and offer them a middle ground solution accordingly.

Still, if ends are not meeting, try to make payment terms more flexible and convince them through the quality of your services and providing testimonials or references if you’ve got any.

5) Follow-up

Don’t ever let the conversation fade away. A study consists of sending 2 million emails revealed that the optimal number of follow-ups is 2-3. You shouldn’t have to always stick with this number, but keeping it around the same will be a good choice because stats never lie. But please, don’t burn the bridges by bugging the client repeatedly.

The time span between the follow-ups is another substantial factor that largely depends upon the gravity of the conversation. In some cases, you can schedule it right away on the very next day while for some, it might take a week.

Indeed, it’s best to politely ask clients that when you can expect a response from them. You can use a sales CRM as there are plenty of good CRMs available for every industry to manage follow-ups efficiently and never let your conversation slip through the cracks. There are also startup CRMs which are designed specifically for businesses that are at the initial stage and will grow in near future. So, it will cater to your needs even if your workforce is significantly increased.

6) Seal the Deal

In this step, your prospect will convert into the customer. There are many closing techniques which you can use depending upon the situation.

Ask them if they have any concerns or questions regarding the deal. Assure them all the possible assistance in the future and thank them for using your services or product.

7) Deliver Value

Business is all about building relationships and maintaining them. For that, you need to deliver what you have committed. So, work seamlessly to achieve all the milestones before deadlines. Your work should speak volumes about your business.

Always remember, there is not a single marketing or sales strategy out there which can overshadow the satisfied clients giving your reference to their friends and colleagues.

Therefore, by delivering value, you’ll not only increase the ratio of repeating customers but you’ll be surprised by the number of references you’ll receive that will convert without this above 7-step sales process.

Wrapping up:

So, we’ve explained each stage of the 7-step sales process in detail which will help you to produce a spike in your sales curve. Through, this sales process is a generic one and can be used anywhere but however, you can refine this above 7-step sales process via popular sales methodologies.

And still, if you are not able to drive a good number of deals through this 7-step sales process, you’ll at least get to know where you’re lacking and what are your areas of improvement.

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