DEV Community

Discussion on: I'm a new dev blogger - I can has your tools?

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Rachel Soderberg • Edited

Welcome! I am pretty new to the scene too, it's nice to see more new faces!
Let me start by saying you don't have to be flashy if that isn't your thing. I don't have a knack for visual design, so I just end up with text, code snippets, and screenshots or funny occasional images when it fits.

For screenshots I simply use onboard screen capture (Snipping Tool in my case), crop if needed and save the image, then use the image uploader and markup to add to my post.

I haven't explored any of the code example tools either - I've relied on either using italics to make my code stand out from the text around it, or indenting four spaces (tab) to format it as a code snippet.

I compose my markdown in the editor, because I don't do too much of it. I'm sure some could be done in any html editor with real-time previews, if you were so inclined.

Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I figured I'd chime in as someone from a similar level! I'm sure I have more to learn as well, so here I am :D

erikest profile image

Thanks for chiming in, it's good to know I'm not the only newb around here, ha.

I guess flashy is my way of saying 'appealing' or 'easily digestible', but I know what you mean :).

Sounds like we're in the same boat - onward to blogging bliss!