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Rachit Chawla
Rachit Chawla

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Navigating the Release Journey of txtToWeb


Hello fellow developers! I'm thrilled to share my journey of releasing my project, txtToWeb, a command-line tool for converting text files to HTML content. This blog post will take you through the detailed steps I followed, the tools and package registry I chose, and the valuable lessons I learned along the way.

1. Choice of Release Tool and Package Registry

For the release of txtToWeb, I opted for Poetry as my release tool and TestPyPI as the package registry. Poetry's simplicity and TestPyPI's environment for testing releases were crucial factors in my decision.

2. Creating a Release

The process of creating a release involved several crucial steps:

Project Configuration

I began by updating my pyproject.toml to include project metadata, dependencies, and release-specific information.

Implementing Packaging Steps

Based on my research, I refined my project structure, added necessary files, and ensured compatibility with Poetry.

Tagging the Release

I tagged the release using Git tags, creating an annotated tag for version 1.0.0.

Publishing to TestPyPI

I initially faced an authentication error while pushing to PyPI, but a quick switch to TestPyPI resolved the issue.

3. Lessons Learned

Throughout the release process, I had several "aha!" moments and challenges:

  • Understanding Git tags and their role in versioning.
  • Learning the intricacies of configuring Poetry for packaging and distribution.
  • Recognizing the importance of thorough user testing to uncover potential issues.

4. Code and Project Alterations

Adapting txtToWeb to Poetry required minimal alterations. I added the necessary metadata and files to comply with the packaging standards.

5. User Testing Session

Conducting a user testing session was an enlightening experience. My partner faced some confusion during installation, which prompted me to enhance the for clarity.

6. Installation and Usage Instructions

With the release complete, users can install txtToWeb using the following command:

pip install -i txtToWeb==1.0.0
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Detailed instructions and examples are available in the file.


Releasing txtToWeb taught me valuable lessons in versioning, packaging, and user-centric development. I hope sharing my experiences helps fellow developers embark on their release journeys with confidence.

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