DEV Community

Discussion on: JavaScript Clipboard API

raddevus profile image

Thanks for sharing this. I'm always interested in Browser clipboard functionality, because it has changed over time & it's always been very tricky.
I wrote my emoji manager web app (SPA) and had to do some special trickery to get the emojis copied to the clipboard no matter which browser the user has.
Take a look at it at my site and let me know what you think.
emoji manager
It's a simple little app, but kind of interesting because you can save any new emojis to your custom ones.

I wrote up how to build this app in my book, Learn HTML5, JavaScript & CSS : Launch Your Dev Career, Vol 2.
Let me know if you want a free copy and I'll give you a link to PDF or Kindle file. 😊

kaankorkmaz profile image
Yiğit Kaan Korkmaz

I think your website is great! Getting it to work on all browsers is surely tricky as well!