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Radzion Chachura
Radzion Chachura

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Mastering Subscriptions in Web Apps: Frontend to Backend

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A Guide to Managing Subscription Payments in Web Applications

In this article, I present a streamlined approach to managing monthly and annual subscription payments within a web application. I recently refined the subscription-related code in my app, Increaser—a Next.js application supported by a Node.js server. Through this journey, I identified several components that could be valuable if you're building your own subscription management system. While the Increaser codebase remains private, I'll showcase essential code snippets here. Additionally, my public ReactKit repository houses a comprehensive collection of reusable components, hooks, and utilities. While I currently employ Paddle for payment processing in Increaser, the design is adaptable, making it easy to transition to Stripe or other payment platforms.

Front-end Authentication: Determining User Access to Premium Features

Starting with the front-end, our primary goal is to ascertain whether a user has permission to access the premium features. In Increaser, this determination hinges on three criteria:

  1. The user secured lifetime access via an AppSumo promotion.
  2. The user is currently enjoying a free trial period.
  3. The user maintains an ongoing subscription.

To efficiently evaluate these criteria, we utilize the useIsLikeMember hook. The result from this hook tells us if a user is eligible to access the premium functionalities. We opted for the name useIsLikeMember over useIsMember to more accurately depict the status of users on a free trial. While these users can fully engage with premium features similarly to actual members, they aren't technically labeled as such. As an illustration, in Increaser, while free trial participants can harness all premium tools, they aren't granted entry to our exclusive Telegram group reserved for paying members.

import { useIsPayingUser } from "./useIsPayingUser"
import { useHasFreeTrial } from "./useHasFreeTrial"

export const useIsLikeMember = () => {
  const hasFreeTrial = useHasFreeTrial()
  const isPayingUser = useIsPayingUser()

  return hasFreeTrial || isPayingUser
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Determining Free Trial and Subscription Status with Hooks

To figure out if a user is on a free trial, we employ the useHasFreeTrial hook. This hook fetches the timestamp from the user's state and measures it against the present time. We obtain the current time using the useRhythmicRerender hook, which prompts a re-render every minute. Both the inner workings of this hook and the convertDuration utility are available in the ReactKit repository. This mechanism enables us to dynamically assess a user's trial status, ensuring that the interface precisely showcases their present access rights in real time.

import { useRhythmicRerender } from "@increaser/ui/hooks/useRhythmicRerender"
import { convertDuration } from "@increaser/utils/time/convertDuration"
import { useAssertUserState } from "user/state/UserStateContext"

export const useHasFreeTrial = () => {
  const { freeTrialEnd } = useAssertUserState()
  const now = useRhythmicRerender(convertDuration(1, "min", "ms"))

  return freeTrialEnd && freeTrialEnd > now
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Within the useIsPayingUser hook, we discern whether a user is a paying subscriber. We do this by verifying if they possess a lifetime deal or maintain an ongoing subscription.

import { useAssertUserState } from "user/state/UserStateContext"
import { useHasActiveSubscription } from "./useHasActiveSubscription"

export const useIsPayingUser = () => {
  const { lifeTimeDeal } = useAssertUserState()
  const hasActiveSubscription = useHasActiveSubscription()

  return lifeTimeDeal || hasActiveSubscription
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Within the useHasActiveSubscription hook, we return false if the user state lacks a subscription field or if the said subscription is not active.

import { useRhythmicRerender } from "@increaser/ui/hooks/useRhythmicRerender"
import { convertDuration } from "@increaser/utils/time/convertDuration"
import { useAssertUserState } from "user/state/UserStateContext"
import { isActiveSubscription } from "@increaser/entities-utils/subscription/isActiveSubscription"

export const useHasActiveSubscription = () => {
  const { subscription } = useAssertUserState()

  useRhythmicRerender(convertDuration(1, "min", "ms"))

  if (!subscription) return false

  return isActiveSubscription(subscription)
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A pivotal element in subscription management is the endsAt attribute. For a recurring subscription, this field isn't present. But when a user decides to cancel, we update the endsAt field, indicating the subscription's expiration date.

import { Subscription } from "@increaser/entities/Subscription"

export const isActiveSubscription = ({
}: Pick<Subscription, "endsAt">) => {
  if (!endsAt) return true

  return < endsAt
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Ensuring Controlled Content Rendering with the UserStateOnly Component

The foundation of all these hooks is the useAssertUserState hook, which raises an error when the user state is absent. But, in the context of Increaser, this error never surfaces. The rationale? We've put in measures to ensure the app's content doesn't render until the required user state is available.

import { createContext } from "react"
import { createContextHook } from "@increaser/ui/state/createContextHook"
import { UserStateQuery } from "@increaser/api-interface/client/graphql"
import { QueryApi } from "api/useApi"

interface UserStateContextValue {
  state: UserStateQuery["userState"] | null
  updateState: (state: Partial<UserStateQuery["userState"]>) => void
  pullRemoteState: () => void
  isLoading: boolean
  lastUpdatedAt: number
  updateRemoteState: QueryApi

export const UserStateContext = createContext<
  UserStateContextValue | undefined

export const useUserState = createContextHook(

export const useAssertUserState = () => {
  const { state } = useUserState()

  if (state === null) {
    throw new Error("UserState is not provided")

  return state
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The addition of the UserStateOnly component facilitates controlling content rendering based on the availability of the user state. Think of it as a sentinel. If the authSession is absent from the local storage, it promptly redirects the user.

import { ComponentWithChildrenProps } from "@increaser/ui/props"

import { useUserState } from "./UserStateContext"
import { useEffect } from "react"
import { useAuthRedirect } from "auth/hooks/useAuthRedirect"
import { useAuthSession } from "auth/hooks/useAuthSession"

export const UserStateOnly = ({ children }: ComponentWithChildrenProps) => {
  const { state } = useUserState()
  const { toAuthenticationPage } = useAuthRedirect()

  const [authSession] = useAuthSession()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!authSession) {
  }, [authSession, toAuthenticationPage])

  return state ? <>{children}</> : null
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By enclosing the content of a page within the UserStateOnly component, you can ensure controlled rendering. For instance, on the Increaser's home page, this setup guarantees that content is visible only once the necessary user state is in place.

export const HomePage: Page = () => {
  return (
    <FixedWidthContent style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}>
        <title>🏠 Overview | {productName}</title>
        <ErrorBoundary fallback={<ErrorFallbackCard />}>
          <HomePageContent />
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Upon refreshing the app, content materializes instantly, giving an impression of lightning-fast loading. This swift display is realized by caching the user state in local storage. If you're curious about the nitty-gritty of this implementation, delve into the details in this post.

Optimizing User Experience with Cached State and Member-Exclusive Components

Subscription Prompt

Here's a tangible use-case of these hooks in action. Imagine a feature reserved solely for members, like initiating a focus session. This function is neatly wrapped inside the MemberOnlyAction component. This component accepts an action prop, which gets called only if the user aligns with a member profile, and a rendering function that springs a modal loaded with a subscription form for non-members. This setup ensures each user experiences the feature according to their privilege tier.

  action={() => start({ projectId, duration: focusDuration })}
  render={({ action }) => (
    <Button kind="reversed" size="l" onClick={action}>
      <Text as="div" style={{ wordBreak: "keep-all" }}>
        <FocusDurationText emoji={project.emoji} value={focusDuration} />
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The MemberOnlyAction component is elegantly designed for simplicity. If a user resembles a member, the render function gets invoked with the action prop. Conversely, if they don't, the render function provides a callback to unveil the SubscriptionPrompt. Augmenting this component, we have the Opener abstract component sourced from ReactKit.

import { Opener } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Opener"
import { useIsLikeMember } from "membership/hooks/useIsLikeMember"
import { SubscriptionPrompt } from "membership/subscription/components/SubscriptionPrompt"

type Action = () => void

interface RenderProps {
  action: Action

interface MemberOnlyActionProps {
  action: () => void
  render: (props: RenderProps) => JSX.Element

export const MemberOnlyAction = ({ action, render }: MemberOnlyActionProps) => {
  const isLikeMember = useIsLikeMember()

  if (isLikeMember) {
    return render({ action })

  return (
      renderOpener={({ onOpen }) => render({ action: onOpen })}
      renderContent={({ onClose }) => <SubscriptionPrompt onClose={onClose} />}
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Enhancing User Flow with Dynamic Subscription Prompts and State Management

The SubscriptionPrompt component is multistage. It first showcases an offer to the user. Upon acceptance, it progresses to reveal a checkout modal. Instead of leaning on the traditional switch-case architecture, we harness the power of the Match component from ReactKit to render varying modals based on each stage. For those keen on crafting a resilient modal component, consider diving into this post.

import { ClosableComponentProps } from "@increaser/ui/props"
import { Button } from "@increaser/ui/ui/buttons/Button"
import { useState } from "react"
import { Modal } from "@increaser/ui/modal"
import { Match } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Match"
import { SubscriptionBillingCycleProvider } from "@increaser/ui/subscription/components/SubscriptionBillingCycleProvider"
import { SubscriptionOffer } from "./SubscriptionOffer"
import { SubscriptionCheckout } from "./SubscriptionCheckout"

type SubscriptionPromptStage = "offer" | "checkout"

export const SubscriptionPrompt = ({ onClose }: ClosableComponentProps) => {
  const [stage, setStage] = useState<SubscriptionPromptStage>("offer")

  return (
        offer={() => (
            title="Subscribe to continue"
                onClick={() => setStage("checkout")}
                style={{ width: "100%" }}
            <SubscriptionOffer />
        checkout={() => <SubscriptionCheckout onClose={onClose} />}
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The SubscriptionBillingCycleProvider is utilized to manage the state of the selected billing period, allowing us to avoid prop-drilling between components. Some developers might regard this provider as excessive, but it resonates with my inclination towards neater components with fewer props.

import { SubscriptionBillingCycle } from "@increaser/entities/Subscription"
import { createContext, useContext, useState } from "react"
import { ComponentWithChildrenProps } from "../../props"

interface BillingCycleContextValue {
  value: SubscriptionBillingCycle
  setValue: (value: SubscriptionBillingCycle) => void

const BillingCycleContext = createContext<BillingCycleContextValue | undefined>(

export const SubscriptionBillingCycleProvider = ({
}: ComponentWithChildrenProps) => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState<SubscriptionBillingCycle>("year")

  return (
    <BillingCycleContext.Provider value={{ value, setValue }}>

export const useSubscriptionBillingCycle = () => {
  const state = useContext(BillingCycleContext)

  if (!state) {
    throw new Error(
      "useSubscriptionBillingCycle must be used within SubscriptionBillingCycleProvider"

  return [state.value, state.setValue] as const
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Modular Design of the SubscriptionOffer Component with Paddle Integration

Let's dive into the SubscriptionOffer component. This component is divided into two main sections: the price-related content, which is shown only after it's loaded, and a list showcasing the benefits of membership.

import { VStack } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Stack"
import { SubscriptionBillingCycleInput } from "@increaser/ui/subscription/components/SubscriptionBillingCycleInput"
import { SubscriptionPrice } from "@increaser/ui/subscription/components/SubscriptionPrice"
import { getAnnualSubscriptionSavings } from "@increaser/entities-utils/subscription/getAnnualSubscriptionSavings"
import { useSubscriptionBillingCycle } from "@increaser/ui/subscription/components/SubscriptionBillingCycleProvider"
import { MembershipBenefits } from "membership/components/MembershipBenefits"
import { SubscriptionPricesQueryDependant } from "@increaser/paddle-ui/components/SubscriptionPricesQueryDependant"

export const SubscriptionOffer = () => {
  const [billingCycle, setBillingCycle] = useSubscriptionBillingCycle()

  return (
    <VStack alignItems="center" gap={20}>
        success={(prices) => (
                month: prices.month.amount,
                year: prices.year.amount,
      <MembershipBenefits />
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The SubscriptionPricesQueryDependant component plays a crucial role in loading the prices. This component is a part of the paddle-classic-ui package within my monorepo, highlighting its specific design for Paddle integration. If I decide to switch to a different payment provider in the future, I can easily create an analogous component inside a corresponding package, like stripe-ui, ensuring modularity and ease of integration.

import { Text } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Text"
import {
} from "@increaser/ui/query/components/QueryDependant"
import { Center } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Center"
import { Spinner } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Spinner"
import {
} from "../hooks/useSubscriptionPricesQuery"

interface SubscriptionPricesQueryDependantProps
  extends Pick<QueryDependantProps<SubscriptionPrices>, "success"> {}

export const SubscriptionPricesQueryDependant = ({
}: SubscriptionPricesQueryDependantProps) => {
  const query = useSubscriptionPricesQuery()

  return (
      error={() => <Text>Failed to load subscription price</Text>}
      loading={() => (
          <Spinner />
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Dynamic UI Rendering with the QueryDependant Component and React-Query Integration

The QueryDependant component offers a streamlined solution for rendering content based on the state of a react-query. When data is loading, a centered spinner provides visual feedback. If any issue arises, an informative error message is presented. On successful data retrieval, both the SubscriptionBillingCycleInput and SubscriptionPrice components come into view, granting users a selection of subscription options. By introducing this abstraction, the UI becomes dynamically responsive, ensuring users experience content tailored to each stage of the data-fetching journey, enhancing overall user interaction.

import { ReactNode } from "react"

type QueryStatus = "idle" | "error" | "loading" | "success"

export interface QueryDependantProps<T> {
  status: QueryStatus
  data: T | undefined
  error: () => ReactNode
  loading: () => ReactNode
  success: (data: T) => ReactNode

export function QueryDependant<T>({
}: QueryDependantProps<T>) {
  if (status === "error") {
    return <>{error()}</>

  if (status === "loading") {
    return <>{loading()}</>

  if (data) {
    return <>{success(data)}</>

  return null
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Encouraging Yearly Billing with the SubscriptionBillingCycleInput Component and Savings Indication

The SubscriptionBillingCycleInput component harmoniously merges the functionalities of the Switch and Tag components. The Switch component, sourced from ReactKit, facilitates the alternation between monthly and yearly billing choices. Complementing this, the Tag component vividly illustrates the percentage of savings a user gains when choosing the yearly billing option. This not only boosts clarity but also nudges users toward the yearly billing cycle, highlighting its financial advantage.

import { useTheme } from "styled-components"
import { InputProps } from "../../props"
import { toPercents } from "@reactkit/utils/toPercents"
import { HStack } from "../../ui/Stack"
import { Switch } from "../../ui/Switch/Switch"
import { Tag } from "../../ui/Tag"
import { SubscriptionBillingCycle } from "@reactkit/entities/Subscription"

interface SubscriptionBillingCycleInputProps
  extends InputProps<SubscriptionBillingCycle> {
  saving: number

export const SubscriptionBillingCycleInput = ({
}: SubscriptionBillingCycleInputProps) => {
  const { colors } = useTheme()
  return (
    <HStack alignItems="center" gap={8}>
        value={value === "year"}
        onChange={(value) => onChange(value ? "year" : "month")}
        label="Annual billing"
      <Tag $color={colors.success}>save {toPercents(saving, "round")}</Tag>
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Design Insights of the SubscriptionPrice Component: Promoting Annual Savings and Ensuring Transparency

The SubscriptionPrice component is meticulously designed to always present the monthly rate, even when referencing an annual subscription. This approach accentuates the annual option's cost-effectiveness. To maintain transparency and clarity, the total annual price is also displayed—albeit in a subtler font—when users choose the annual subscription. Importantly, the visibility property is employed rather than removing the element from the DOM. This method ensures fluid transitions and a consistent aesthetic when users alternate between billing options. Furthermore, to heighten the visual allure and perceived savings, the annual price is intentionally set such that its monthly equivalent ends in .99. For example, an annual fee of $47.88 breaks down to a neat monthly rate of $3.99.

import { SubscriptionBillingCycle } from "@reactkit/entities/Subscription"
import { MONTHS_IN_YEAR } from "@reactkit/utils/time"
import { VStack, HStack } from "../../ui/Stack"
import { HStackSeparatedBy, slashSeparator } from "../../ui/StackSeparatedBy"
import { Text } from "../../ui/Text"

interface SubscriptionPriceProps {
  billingCycle: SubscriptionBillingCycle
  currency: string
  price: Record<SubscriptionBillingCycle, number>

const monthsInPeriod: Record<SubscriptionBillingCycle, number> = {
  month: 1,

export const SubscriptionPrice = ({
}: SubscriptionPriceProps) => {
  return (
    <VStack alignItems="center" gap={4}>
      <HStack gap={4} alignItems="center">
        <Text size={18} as="span" color="regular">
          separator={<Text color="shy">{slashSeparator}</Text>}
          <Text color="regular" size={32} weight="bold" as="span">
            {(price[billingCycle] / monthsInPeriod[billingCycle]).toFixed(2)}
          <Text size={18} as="span" color="supporting">
          transition: "none",
          visibility: billingCycle === "month" ? "hidden" : "initial",
        {price[billingCycle]} per year
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The final segment of the SubscriptionOffer component is dedicated to the MembershipBenefits list. This component systematically outlines the various advantages that come with a subscription.

import { VStack } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Stack"
import { MembershipBenefit } from "@increaser/ui/membership/components/MembershipBenefit"

export const MembershipBenefits = () => (
  <VStack gap={8}>
    <MembershipBenefit benefit="Enhance your focus" />
    <MembershipBenefit benefit="Finish work faster" />
    <MembershipBenefit benefit="Accelerate your career" />
    <MembershipBenefit benefit="Develop positive habits" />
    <MembershipBenefit benefit="Boundaries for work-life balance" />
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Streamlining Payments: The SubscriptionCheckout and PaddleModal Components for Seamless Transactions

The SubscriptionCheckout component streamlines the user experience through a multi-stage process. Initially, users are presented with the Paddle checkout, embedded within an iframe. After a successful transaction, the component proceeds to fetch the checkout ID, which is crucial for retrieving the subscription ID. In the final stage, the component synchronizes the subscription within the app, marking the conclusion of the process.

import { ClosableComponentProps } from "@increaser/ui/props"
import { useSubscriptionBillingCycle } from "@increaser/ui/subscription/components/SubscriptionBillingCycleProvider"
import { PaddleIFrame } from "@increaser/paddle-classic-ui/components/PaddleIFrame"
import { paddleProductCode } from "@increaser/paddle-classic-ui/paddleProductCode"
import { useAssertUserState } from "user/state/UserStateContext"
import { useState } from "react"
import { SyncSubscription } from "./SyncSubscription"
import { PaddleModal } from "@increaser/paddle-classic-ui/components/PaddleModal"
import { productName } from "@increaser/entities"
import { Flow } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Flow"
import { QuerySubscriptionId } from "@increaser/paddle-classic-ui/components/QuerySubscriptionId"

type SubscriptionCheckoutStep =
  | {
      id: "paddle"
  | {
      id: "subscriptionId"
      checkoutId: string
  | {
      id: "subscription"
      subscriptionId: string

type StepId = SubscriptionCheckoutStep["id"]

const stepTitle: Record<StepId, string> = {
  paddle: `${productName} Subscription`,
  subscriptionId: "Syncing Checkout...",
  subscription: "Syncing Subscription...",

export const SubscriptionCheckout = ({ onClose }: ClosableComponentProps) => {
  const [step, setStep] = useState<SubscriptionCheckoutStep>({
    id: "paddle",

  const [billingCycle] = useSubscriptionBillingCycle()
  const user = useAssertUserState()

  return (
    <PaddleModal title={stepTitle[]} onClose={onClose}>
          paddle: () => (
              onSuccess={(checkoutId) =>
                setStep({ id: "subscriptionId", checkoutId })
          subscriptionId: ({ checkoutId }) => (
              onSuccess={(subscriptionId) =>
                setStep({ id: "subscription", subscriptionId })
          subscription: ({ subscriptionId }) => (
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The PaddleModal component acts as a wrapper for the Modal component, but with a mandatory light theme. This choice stems from a desire for visual consistency with Paddle's default light checkout theme. Even though Paddle offers theme customization, the default light theme typically appears more visually appealing and user-friendly. Therefore, maintaining a uniform light-themed modal for all Paddle interactions ensures a harmonious user experience.

import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components"
import { Modal, ModalProps } from "@increaser/ui/modal"
import { lightTheme } from "@increaser/ui/ui/theme/lightTheme"

export const PaddleModal = (props: ModalProps) => {
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={lightTheme}>
      <Modal placement="top" {...props} />
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Orchestrating Multi-stage User Processes with the Flow Component

The Flow component provides a streamlined, adaptable, and intuitive method for overseeing various stages or steps in a user process. Each stage is encapsulated within an object that contains several fields, with the 'id' field being mandatory. Rendering functions are passed a step, which is explicitly typed based on its 'id', enhancing type safety and allowing for precise handling of diverse stages. This setup centralizes the state, offering a cohesive and easily manageable strategy for directing intricate, multi-stage user interactions.

import { ReactNode } from "react"

export interface FlowStep<K extends string> {
  id: K

type StepHandlers<K extends string, T extends FlowStep<K>> = {
  [key in T["id"]]: (step: Extract<T, { id: key }>) => ReactNode

type FlowProps<K extends string, T extends FlowStep<K>> = {
  step: T
  steps: StepHandlers<K, T>

export function Flow<K extends string, T extends FlowStep<K>>({
}: FlowProps<K, T>) {
  const id =
  const render = steps[id]

  return <>{render(step as Extract<T, { id: K }>)}</>
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Enhancing the Checkout Journey: PaddleIFrame and QuerySubscriptionId Components for Efficient Transactions

The PaddleIFrame component is crafted to offer a smooth checkout journey. By auto-filling the email and forwarding the user's ID to the Paddle system, the transaction becomes both faster and more straightforward, elevating the user experience. The onSuccess callback triggers once the checkout concludes, and the onClose callback gives users a way out, ensuring they maintain control and flexibility throughout the process.

import { useEffect } from "react"
import styled from "styled-components"
import { usePaddleSdk } from "../hooks/usePaddleSdk"
import { User } from "@increaser/entities/User"

interface Props {
  onClose: () => void
  onSuccess?: (checkoutId: string) => void
  user: Pick<User, "email" | "id">
  override?: string
  product: string | number

const Container = styled.div`
  position: relative;

export const PaddleIFrame = ({
  user: { email, id },
}: Props) => {
  const className = `checkout-container-${product}`

  const { data: paddleSdk } = usePaddleSdk()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!paddleSdk) return{
      method: "inline",
      product: Number(product),
      allowQuantity: false,
      disableLogout: true,
      frameTarget: className,
      successCallback: ({ checkout: { id } }) => {
      closeCallback: onClose,
      frameInitialHeight: 450,
      email: email,
      passthrough: JSON.stringify({ userId: id }),
      frameStyle: "width:100%; background-color: transparent; border: none;",
  }, [className, onClose, override, paddleSdk, product, email, id])

  return <Container className={className} />
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The QuerySubscriptionId component retrieves the subscription id based on the checkout id from Paddle. Once this is done, it triggers the onSuccess callback. Given that we can experience either a loading or an error state, the BlockingQuery component is rendered to handle these scenarios.

import { useSubscriptionIdQuery } from "../hooks/useSubscriptionIdQuery"
import { useOnQuerySuccess } from "@increaser/ui/query/hooks/useOnQuerySuccess"
import { BlockingQuery } from "@increaser/ui/query/components/BlockingQuery"

interface QuerySubscriptionIdProps {
  checkoutId: string
  onSuccess: (subscriptionId: string) => void

export const QuerySubscriptionId = ({
}: QuerySubscriptionIdProps) => {
  const query = useSubscriptionIdQuery(checkoutId)
  useOnQuerySuccess(query, onSuccess)

  return <BlockingQuery error={query.error} />
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Handling Data States: The useOnQuerySuccess Hook and BlockingQuery Component for Optimal User Feedback

The useOnQuerySuccess hook is a straightforward wrapper over useEffect. It triggers the callback as soon as the data becomes available.

import { useEffect } from "react"
import { UseQueryResult } from "react-query"

export const useOnQuerySuccess = <T,>(
  { data }: Pick<UseQueryResult<T>, "data">,
  onSuccess: (data: T) => void
) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    if (data) {
  }, [data, onSuccess])
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When faced with only two potential states—loading or error—the BlockingQuery component comes into play. It displays a prominent spinner during loading. If an error occurs, it presents the error message alongside a support email for further assistance.

import { supportEmail } from "@increaser/entities"
import { CopyText } from "../../ui/CopyText"
import { Spinner } from "../../ui/Spinner"
import { VStack } from "../../ui/Stack"
import { Text } from "../../ui/Text"
import { InfoIcon } from "../../ui/icons/InfoIcon"

interface BlockingQueryProps {
  error?: Error | null

export const BlockingQuery = ({ error }: BlockingQueryProps) => {
  return (
    <VStack alignItems="center" gap={20}>
        style={{ display: "flex" }}
        color={error ? "alert" : "regular"}
        {error ? <InfoIcon /> : <Spinner />}
      {error ? (
            style={{ wordBreak: "break-word" }}
          <Text centered color="supporting" size={14}>
            Nothing helps? Email us at <br />
            <CopyText color="regular" as="span" content={supportEmail}>
      ) : (
        <Text color="supporting">Please wait</Text>
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Synchronizing User Data: The SyncSubscription Component and GraphQL Integration

The SyncSubscription component follows a similar pattern to the QuerySubscriptionId component. However, it queries the API for subscription data. Once the data is retrieved, it synchronizes with the user state and then triggers the onFinish callback.

import { FinishableComponentProps } from "@increaser/ui/props"
import { useSubscriptionQuery } from "../hooks/useSubscriptionQuery"
import { useOnQuerySuccess } from "@increaser/ui/query/hooks/useOnQuerySuccess"
import { BlockingQuery } from "@increaser/ui/query/components/BlockingQuery"

interface SyncSubscriptionProps extends FinishableComponentProps {
  subscriptionId: string

export const SyncSubscription = ({
}: SyncSubscriptionProps) => {
  const query = useSubscriptionQuery(subscriptionId)
  useOnQuerySuccess(query, onFinish)

  return <BlockingQuery error={query.error} />
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Increaser utilizes a GraphQL API. For those keen on understanding type generation within a monorepo context, consider reading this post. Shortly, we'll delve into the server-side implementation of the subscription query.

import { graphql } from "@increaser/api-interface/client"
import { SubscriptionQuery } from "@increaser/api-interface/client/graphql"
import { useApi } from "api/useApi"
import { useQuery } from "react-query"
import { useUserState } from "user/state/UserStateContext"

const subscriptionQueryDocument = graphql(`
  query subscription($input: SubscriptionInput!) {
    subscription(input: $input) {

export const useSubscriptionQuery = (id: string) => {
  const { query } = useApi()
  const { updateState } = useUserState()

  return useQuery<SubscriptionQuery["subscription"], Error>(
    ["subscription", id],
    async () => {
      const { subscription } = await query(subscriptionQueryDocument, {
        input: { id },

      updateState({ subscription })

      return subscription
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Welcoming New Subscribers: The MembershipConfirmation Component and useEffectOnDependencyChange Hook for Enhanced User Engagement

After a user purchases a subscription, it's a thoughtful gesture to express gratitude. For this reason, the MembershipConfirmation component is embedded within the root App component to convey a "Thank you" message.

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: MyAppProps) {
  // ...
  return (
      <GlobalStyle fontFamily={} />
      <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
        <ErrorBoundary fallback={<FullSizeErrorFallback />}>
                present={() => (
                            <MembershipConfirmation />
                missing={() => <>{component}</>}
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While I have plans to introduce a welcome video in the modal soon, currently it showcases text along with my contact information. To decide when to display this component, we monitor the output from the useIsPayingUser hook. When the status transitions from false to true, the modal appears. Importantly, since we hinge on the isPayingUser state rather than the subscription field, this modal will also pop up should a user opt for a lifetime deal, should we offer one in the future.

import { productName } from "@increaser/entities"
import { useBoolean } from "@increaser/ui/hooks/useBoolean"
import { useEffectOnDependencyChange } from "@increaser/ui/hooks/useEffectOnDependencyChange"
import { Modal } from "@increaser/ui/modal"
import { VStack } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Stack"
import { Text } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Text"
import { InlineFounderContacts } from "info/components/InflineFounderContacts"
import { useIsPayingUser } from "membership/hooks/useIsPayingUser"
import { ContinueButton } from "ui/ContinueButton"

export const MembershipConfirmation = () => {
  const [isOpen, { set: open, unset: close }] = useBoolean(false)
  const isPayingUser = useIsPayingUser()
  useEffectOnDependencyChange(() => {
    if (isPayingUser) {
  }, [isPayingUser])

  if (!isOpen) return null

  return (
      title={`Welcome to ${productName}!`}
      footer={<ContinueButton onClick={close} />}
      <VStack gap={20}>
        <Text color="regular">
          Hey there! Thank you for subscribing to {productName}. I'm Radzion,
          and I'm excited for you to embark on this journey to enhanced
          productivity and a more balanced lifestyle. If you have any questions
          or need assistance, feel free to reach out to me directly—I'm here to
        <InlineFounderContacts />
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The useEffectOnDependencyChange is a hook that brings an additional layer of specificity to the standard useEffect by ensuring that the side effect is only executed when the provided dependencies actually change values.

import { DependencyList, useEffect, useRef } from "react"

export const useEffectOnDependencyChange = (
  effect: () => void,
  deps: DependencyList
) => {
  const prevDeps = useRef(deps)
  useEffect(() => {
    const hasDepsChanged = !prevDeps.current.every((dep, i) => dep === deps[i])
    if (hasDepsChanged) {
      prevDeps.current = deps
  }, deps)
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Overseeing User Subscriptions: The MembershipOverview and ManageSubscription Components for Comprehensive Subscription Management

The final step for our front-end process is to display subscription details, enabling users to update billing information or terminate the subscription. This functionality resides in the MembershipOverview component.

import { MembersTelegram } from "communication/MembersTelegram"
import { VStack } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Stack"

import { FreeTrialStatus } from "../subscription/components/FreeTrialStatus"
import { ManageSubscription } from "../subscription/components/ManageSubscription"
import { ManageLifeTimeDeal } from "./ManageLifeTimeDeal"
import { MembershipOffer } from "./MembershipOffer"

export const MembershipOverview = () => {
  return (
    <VStack alignItems="start" gap={20}>
      <ManageSubscription />
      <ManageLifeTimeDeal />
      <MembersTelegram />
      <FreeTrialStatus />
      <MembershipOffer />
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Subscription details

The ManageSubscription component displays content only when the subscription field exists and it hasn't expired. If the endsAt field indicates a future date, we inform the user about the specific end date of their subscription. In cases where there's a payment issue and the status is pastDue, we prompt the user to update their payment method. Otherwise, when everything is in order, we showcase the next billing date along with buttons to manage the subscription.

import { VStack } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Stack"
import { Text } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Text"
import { useAssertUserState } from "user/state/UserStateContext"
import { ManageSubscriptionActions } from "./ManageSubscriptionActions"
import { mirrorRecord } from "@increaser/utils/mirrorRecord"
import { format } from "date-fns"
import { paddleProductCode } from "@increaser/paddle-classic-ui/paddleProductCode"

const subscriptionDateFormat = "dd MMMM yyyy"

export const ManageSubscription = () => {
  const { subscription } = useAssertUserState()

  if (!subscription) return null

  if (subscription.endsAt) {
    if (subscription.endsAt < return null

    return (
        Your subscription ends on{" "}
        <Text as="span" weight="bold">
          {format(subscription.endsAt, subscriptionDateFormat)}

  if (subscription.status === "pastDue") {
    return (
      <VStack gap={8}>
          Your subscription is past due. Please update your payment method to
          continue using the service.
        <ManageSubscriptionActions />

  const billingCycle =

  const messages = [
      ? `Your subscription renews automatically every ${billingCycle}.`
      : "Your subscription renews automatically.",

  if (subscription.nextBilledAt) {
      `Next billing date is ${format(

  return (
    <VStack gap={16}>
      <VStack gap={4}>
        { => (
          <Text key={message}>{message}</Text>
      <ManageSubscriptionActions />
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The ManageSubscriptionActions component displays the buttons that allow users to update or cancel their subscription. It employs the useManageSubscriptionQuery hook to retrieve the URLs for the Paddle checkout. The checkout process is managed by the PaddleIFrame component. Upon completion, the onSuccess callback is triggered. With the subscription ID at our disposal, we can then synchronize it with the user's state and close the modal.

import { PaddleIFrame } from "@increaser/paddle-classic-ui/components/PaddleIFrame"
import { PaddleModal } from "@increaser/paddle-classic-ui/components/PaddleModal"
import { useManageSubscriptionQuery } from "../hooks/useManageSubscriptionQuery"
import { QueryDependant } from "@increaser/ui/query/components/QueryDependant"
import { getQueryDependantDefaultProps } from "@increaser/ui/query/utils/getQueryDependantDefaultProps"
import { HStack } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Stack"
import { Button } from "@increaser/ui/ui/buttons/Button"
import { shouldBeDefined } from "@increaser/utils/shouldBeDefined"
import { useAssertUserState } from "user/state/UserStateContext"
import { useState } from "react"
import { SyncSubscription } from "./SyncSubscription"
import { Match } from "@increaser/ui/ui/Match"

type ManageSubscriptionAction = "update" | "cancel"

type Stage = ManageSubscriptionAction | "sync"

const stageTitle: Record<Stage, string> = {
  update: "Update Subscription",
  cancel: "Cancel Subscription",
  sync: "Syncing Subscription...",

export const ManageSubscriptionActions = () => {
  const [stage, setStage] = useState<Stage | null>(null)
  const query = useManageSubscriptionQuery()

  const user = useAssertUserState()
  const { subscription } = user
  const { planId } = shouldBeDefined(subscription ?? undefined)

  return (
      {...getQueryDependantDefaultProps("subscription management URLs")}
      success={({ updateUrl, cancelUrl }) => {
        const actionUrl: Record<ManageSubscriptionAction, string> = {
          update: updateUrl,
          cancel: cancelUrl,

        const renderActionContent = (action: ManageSubscriptionAction) => (
            onClose={() => setStage(null)}
            onSuccess={() => {

        return (
          <HStack alignItems="center" gap={20}>
            <Button onClick={() => setStage("update")} kind="secondary">
            <Button onClick={() => setStage("cancel")} kind="alert">

            {stage && (
                onClose={() => setStage(null)}
                  update={() => renderActionContent("update")}
                  cancel={() => renderActionContent("cancel")}
                  sync={() => (
                      onFinish={() => setStage(null)}
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Server-Side Subscription Management: The Nuts and Bolts

Having completed the front-end, let's now shift our focus to the server-side. The primary task is to determine the essential data required to represent a 'Subscription' in our database. We needn't concern ourselves with the data format received from the payment provider, as our main focus should be on our internal representation. We can always manage format conversions as needed. For my project, "Increaser," I decided to store:

  • provider - This represents the name of the payment provider. I anticipate migrating from Paddle Classic to Paddle in the future, which is why I've included this. You might not need this field for your application immediately. If required, you can always run a migration later to add it to existing subscriptions.
  • id - This is the subscription ID as provided by the payment system.
  • planId - Represents the ID of the plan within the payment provider's system.
  • status - For "Increaser," this can either be active or pastDue. We infer the canceled state from the endsAt field.
  • nextBilledAt - This is a timestamp indicating the next billing date. It will remain undefined for a canceled subscription.
  • endsAt - A timestamp marking the end date of the subscription. It remains undefined for an active subscription.
export type SubscriptionBillingCycle = "month" | "year"

export type SubscriptionStatus = "active" | "pastDue"

export type SubscriptionProvider = "paddleClassic"

export interface Subscription {
  provider: SubscriptionProvider
  id: string
  planId: string
  status: SubscriptionStatus
  nextBilledAt?: number
  endsAt?: number | null
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Synchronizing Data with External Systems: The Importance of the syncSubscriptions Command

You might be wondering, "What if we need to add another field to our Subscription from the payment provider in the future, and we haven't stored it yet?" This is where the sync command becomes invaluable. Whenever we depend on external systems, it's essential to have a mechanism to synchronize the data. There's always a possibility that issues might arise in our observers or webhooks, necessitating a method to replenish missing data. For the Increaser platform, I've implemented a syncSubscriptions command. This command takes a plan ID, retrieves all the associated subscriptions, transforms them into our internal Subscription type, and then updates our database accordingly.

import { getUserByEmail, updateUser } from "@increaser/db/user"
import { PaddleClassicUser } from "../entities"
import { queryPaddle } from "../utils/queryPaddle"
import { getPaddlePlan } from "../utils/getPaddlePlan"
import { toSubscription } from "../utils/toSubscription"

const syncSubscriptions = async (planId: number) => {
  console.log(`Syncing subscriptions for plan ${planId}`)
  const users = await queryPaddle<PaddleClassicUser[]>("subscription/users", {
    plan_id: planId,
    results_per_page: 200,

  console.log(`Found ${users.length} users`)

  const plan = await getPaddlePlan(planId)

  await Promise.all( (paddleUser) => {
      const user = await getUserByEmail(paddleUser.user_email, ["id"])
      if (!user) {
        throw new Error(`User with email ${paddleUser.user_email} not found`)

      const subscription = toSubscription(paddleUser, plan)

      updateUser(, {

const planId = Number(process.argv[2])

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Streamlining Paddle API Interactions with the queryPaddle Function

Paddle Classic doesn't provide an SDK or type definitions, making direct interactions with their API a bit cumbersome. To streamline this process, I've created a function called queryPaddle. This function accepts an endpoint and an optional payload. When called, it performs a fetch operation and returns the parsed JSON. The beauty of queryPaddle is that it abstracts away the need to specify the base url, content type, and authorization header every time we want to communicate with the Paddle API. This not only makes the code cleaner but also simplifies the querying process.

import { getEnvVar } from "./getEnvVar"

const paddleBaseUrl = ""

export const queryPaddle = async <T>(
  endpoint: string,
  payload: Record<string, any> = {}
): Promise<T> => {
  const formData = new URLSearchParams(payload)

  const url = [paddleBaseUrl, endpoint].join("/")
  const result = await fetch(url, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      Authorization: `Bearer ${getEnvVar("PADDLE_API_KEY")}`,
    body: formData.toString(),

  const { response } = await result.json()

  return response
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Keeping Track of Subscription Changes with Webhooks and Event Handling

Changes to a subscription don't solely originate from our app. Users might cancel their subscription or make alterations directly in the payment system. As a result, we need a way to stay updated with all such modifications. To achieve this, we "listen" to these changes by using webhooks.

When we receive a webhook, we need to ensure it's one of the events we're interested in. We handle events such as subscription creation, updates, cancellations, and various payment-related alerts. Once we confirm the event type, we process the relevant data, extract the subscription details, and update our database accordingly. This mechanism ensures our system remains in sync with the payment provider, reflecting accurate subscription statuses for our users.

import { isOneOf } from "@increaser/utils/array/isOneOf"
import { PaddleClassicEvent } from "../PaddleClassicEvent"
import { updateUser } from "@increaser/db/user"
import { Subscription } from "@increaser/entities/Subscription"
import { fromPaddleClassicStatus } from "../../paddle-classic/utils/toSubscription"

const paddleClassicSupportedAlerts = [
] as const

export const handlePaddleClassicEvent = async (event: PaddleClassicEvent) => {
  const alertName = isOneOf(event.alert_name, paddleClassicSupportedAlerts)
  if (!alertName) {
      `Received unsupported alert from Paddle Classic: ${event.alert_name}`

  console.log(`Processing ${event.alert_name} event from Paddle Classic`)
  const { userId } = JSON.parse(event.passthrough)
  const subscription: Subscription = {
    provider: "paddleClassic",
    id: event.subscription_id,
    planId: event.subscription_plan_id,
    status: fromPaddleClassicStatus(event.status),
    nextBilledAt: event.next_bill_date
      ? new Date(event.next_bill_date).getTime()
      : undefined,
    endsAt: event.cancellation_effective_date
      ? new Date(event.cancellation_effective_date).getTime()
      : undefined,

  await updateUser(userId, { subscription })
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Integrating the Subscription System with GraphQL API

The GraphQL API represents the last integral component of our subscription system. Even though we retrieve the subscription details from our database using the userState query, it's also essential to incorporate both manageSubscription and subscription queries.

enum SubscriptionProvider {

enum SubscriptionStatus {

type Subscription {
  provider: SubscriptionProvider!
  id: String!
  planId: String!
  status: SubscriptionStatus!
  nextBilledAt: Float
  endsAt: Float

type ManageSubscription {
  updateUrl: String!
  cancelUrl: String!

input SubscriptionInput {
  id: String!

type Query {
  userState(input: UserStateInput!): UserState!
  manageSubscription: ManageSubscription!
  subscription(input: SubscriptionInput!): Subscription
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The Dynamics of manageSubscription Query: Bridging Our Application to Paddle Classic API

The manageSubscription query is crucial because the URLs it returns aren't static and may evolve over time. Instead of hardcoding or caching these URLs, it's more efficient and reliable to query them in real-time when required. This ensures that users always get accurate and functional URLs to manage their subscriptions.

This query essentially acts as a bridge to the subscription/users endpoint of the Paddle Classic API. Upon invocation, it first verifies the user's identity and checks for their subscription details in the database. Once confirmed, it queries the Paddle Classic API for the specific user's subscription URLs. Finally, it returns the cancellation and update URLs, allowing the user to easily manage their subscription directly from our application.

import { queryPaddle } from "@increaser/paddle-classic/utils/queryPaddle"
import { assertUserId } from "../../../auth/assertUserId"
import { OperationContext } from "../../../gql/OperationContext"
import { QueryResolvers } from "../../../gql/schema"
import { getUserById } from "@increaser/db/user"
import { PaddleClassicUser } from "@increaser/paddle-classic/entities"

export const manageSubscription: QueryResolvers<OperationContext>["manageSubscription"] =
  async (_, __, context) => {
    const userId = assertUserId(context)
    const { subscription } = await getUserById(userId, ["subscription"])
    if (!subscription) {
      throw new Error("User has no subscription")

    const [user] = await queryPaddle<PaddleClassicUser[]>(

    return {
      cancelUrl: user.cancel_url,
      updateUrl: user.update_url,
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Ensuring Real-Time Subscription Data Accuracy with the subscription Query

The subscription query plays a distinct role compared to the userState query. While the latter simply fetches the subscription data from our database, the former takes an extra, crucial step: it communicates with the payment provider to obtain the latest subscription details, then synchronizes this data with our user records in the database.

The reason behind this dual-action approach is practicality. Webhooks, though effective, can introduce a time lag, possibly leading to outdated or unsynchronized data. For instance, consider a scenario where a user completes a checkout process or decides to cancel their subscription. It's vital for the user experience to immediately reflect these changes. By using the subscription query, our system ensures that it always displays the most recent subscription status, bridging any potential time gaps between the payment provider's notifications and our system's records.

import { assertUserId } from "../../../auth/assertUserId"
import { OperationContext } from "../../../gql/OperationContext"
import { QueryResolvers } from "../../../gql/schema"
import { updateUser } from "@increaser/db/user"
import { getSubscription } from "@increaser/paddle-classic/utils/getSubscription"

export const subscription: QueryResolvers<OperationContext>["subscription"] =
  async (_, { input: { id: subscriptionId } }, context) => {
    const userId = assertUserId(context)
    const subscription = await getSubscription(subscriptionId)
    await updateUser(userId, { subscription })

    return subscription
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