There are generally five levels of HTTP status:
100s: Informational codes indicate that the request initiated by the browser is continuing.
200s: Success codes returned when the browser request was received, understood, and processed by the server.
300s: Redirection codes returned when a new resource has been substituted for the requested resource.
400s: Client error codes indicate that there was a problem with the request.
500s: Server error codes indicate that the request was accepted, but an error on the server prevented the fulfillment of the request.
Let’s now look at some of the most common ones you will encounter.
Apart from them, three types of STATUS we are most familiar with. They are:
- Successful Responses: 200-299 (GOOD Status)
- Client-Side error: 400-499 (BAD Status)
- Server-Side error: 500-599 (BAD Status)
However, we are not practically connected with all of these 300 STATUSES at a time. The most common STATUSES we are using regularly are only a few. Let's discuss them below-
Status 200 (OK)
- the request has been processed successfully on the server.
Status 201 (Created)
- one or more new resources have been successfully created on the server and has led to the creation of a resource.
Status 202 (Accepted)
- the request has been accepted for processing. Which has not been completed or may not have started yet.
Status 203 (No Content)
- the server has successfully fulfilled the request and there is no content to send in the response.
Status 400 (Bad Request)
- message to inform you about your request's overarching result
Status 401 (Unauthorized)
- nope...! you are not supposed to be here. You don't have the AUTHORIZATION
Status 403 (Forbidden)
- ops! take permission first, you don't have that for this action.
Status 404 (Page not found)
- maybe the page you are looking for, it's incorrect. The server could not find the requested URL.
Status 500 (Internal server error)
- the server may have encountered some unexpected error while the request trying to reach the server. This error is usually returned by the server when no other error code is suitable.
Status 502 (Bad gateway)
- the server on the internet received an invalid response from another server. You can try refreshing the web page, clearing your browser cache, and switching to another browser.
Status 503 (Service unavailable)
- the server is currently unavailable. Most of the time, it occurs because the server is too busy or maintenance is being performed on it.
Status 504 (Gateway timeout)
- times up! did not get a response in time from the upstream server. In other words, one server didn't receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser.
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