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Saugat Rai
Saugat Rai

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How to get motivated to code?

How do you all get motivated to learn and code? Recently I have not been able to focus on my coding journey.

Any tips and tricks you'd like to share?

Latest comments (6)

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

What helped me was finding a project I cared about. It shifts programming from being the point itself into being a means to an end, enabling you to solve an interesting problem. Like anything, it's easier to want to learn something if you have a real-world immediate application for it.

raisaugat profile image
Saugat Rai

I think I would try it. Right now I am just following tutorials and copying what they do. But I like you idea or turning programming to a means.
Thanks a lot for suggestions :) Happy coding.

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy

Yep, it's a super easy pattern to fall in to! Tutorials can be really helpful, especially if you then try to add your own functionality on top of what they show you, but only to a point. It's a lot more satisfying to come up with a solution yourself!

It doesn't even need to be something brand new and unique, see if you can recreate Reddit's UI or build a Minesweeper game on your own, starting from a blank file. Just pick something that interests you!

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raisaugat profile image
Saugat Rai

Reddit UI recreate would be sick though haha!
This is a great idea because you don't need to worry about how the layout looks. I think I would adapt this pattern. :)

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