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Cartoonify Image with Machine Learning

This article is all about building a photo cartoonifyer using Python and OpenCV.


Python is the pool of libraries and OpenCV is a cross-platform library used for Computer Vision. It includes applications like video and image capturing and processing. It is majorly used in image transformation, object detection, face recognition, and many other stunning applications.

Steps to create this application:-

Step 1: We need to import all the required libraries/modules

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Step 2: In this step we need to build a File Box to choose a particular file.

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Step 3:Storing the image.

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Step 4: Transforming the image into grayscale.

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Step 5: Smoothening the grayscale image.

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Step 6: Retrieving the edges of the image.

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Step 7: Preparing a Mask Image.

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Step 8: Giving a Cartoon Effect.

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Step 9: Plotting all the transitions together.

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Step 10: Functionally of save button.

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Step 11: Making the main window.

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Step 12: Making the Cartoonify button in the main window.

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Step 13: Making a Save button in the main window

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Step 14: Main function to build the tkinter window.


And that's how we create our image cartoonifer, hope this article was helpful.

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