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Ranjith srt
Ranjith srt

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Js | Type Conversion & Type Coercion |

Type Conversion (Manually)
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Type conversion (also known as type casting) is when you explicitly convert a
value from one type to another. JavaScript provides several functions for this purpose.

Type Conversion:
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String to Number:
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let strNum ="123" ; //str
let num = Number(strNum);
   123  =  123    "123"

console.log(num); //123
console.log(typeof num); //number

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Number to String:
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let num=456;
let str =String(num);
         "456"   456

console.log(num); //"459"
console.log(typeof num); //string

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Boolean to String:
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let bool = true;
let strbool =String(bool);
              "true" true

console.log(strbool); //"true"
console.log(typeof num); //string

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String to Boolean:
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let strtrue="true"; 
let strfalse="false"; //true

//let strfalse=" ";  //false  //truthy fasleshy

let booltrue=Boolean(strtrue);
let boolfalse=Boolean(strfalse);

console.log(booltrue); //true
console.log(boolfalse);  //true

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Parsing integers and floats:
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let floatstr = "123.456";
let intnum = parseint(floatstr);
             integer   123.456

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let floatnum = parsefloat(floatstr);
                 123.456            123.456

console.log(floatnum); // no lose apdiyea print agum (flost)


console.log(intnum); //456 lose last numbers


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Type Coercion: 
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Type coercion is when JavaScript automatically converts a
value from one type to another during an operation.
This often happens with equality checks and arithmetic operations.

Type Coercion (Automatically) 
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String and Number:
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let result result ="5"+2;  // (+) jscript str cconcadinate aga + ah eduthukkum.


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let result result ="5"-2;  // convert to mathematic function automatically.. 


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let result result ="5"*2;  // convert to mathematic function automatically.. 


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Boolean and Number:
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             1  +  1
let result =true + 1;  


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             0  +  1
let result =false + 1;  

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Coercion occurs in equality checks (==), but not in strict equality checks (===).
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Equality checks
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console.log(5=="5");  true // "5" vaa == automatic aa numberku convert panni irukku..
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console.log(5==="5");  false // data type value equval ah check pannum..
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console.log(5==5); true   
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console.log(0==false);   //true
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console.log(0===false);  //false
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