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Ranjith srt
Ranjith srt

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js | DOM |

Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation

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imagine you have a physical bulletin board where you can pin up can add new notes, remove old ones , or update existing notes on the boaed.similarly in a web page you can use jscrtpt to manipulate the Dom ( Document object model)to add ,remove or change element's one the page.

The following the way to Selecting & Modifying Element in DOM :
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getElementById :  
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browsers - right click -inspect

select a single element on it is unique id attribute.

    //var name                          //particular id name
const heading = document.getElementById ('main-heading')  //selection


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finding value:
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console.log(heading.innerHtml);  // outputs the html content's inside the element 

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let's play with Javascript   //ulla irukka content ella eduttuttu vaarum
<p> Hello </p>   
<h1> Hiii </h1>

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console.log(heading.textConent);  //  outputs the text content's inside the element 

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let's play with Javascript  //text mattm  eaduthuttu vaarum.  // 1 mattum thookittu vaarum

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changing value :

heading.innerHtml = 'see, i am from planet earth'; //override aagum

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heading.textContent = 'see, i am from planet mars'; //override aagum  //2nd option

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          // f name
function  chageHeading() {

setTimeout(( ) =>{

heading.innerHtml = 'see, i am from planet sun'; //override aagi 2s appram maarum
 // 2s delay 
} . 2000 );



see, i am from planet sun'

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// multiple elemrnt select panna..

    //var name                          //particular class name
const listitems= document.getElementByClassName ('list-item')  //election


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<li class= "list-item"> Hello1 </p>
<li   ''   ''         > Hiii 2</h1>   // multiple element select panna
<li    ''   ''        > Hello 3 </p>   
<li     ''    ''      > Hiii 4</h1>

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access particular elemrnt:

<li class= "list-item"> Hello 1</li>   

<li class= "list-item"> Hiiii 2 </li> 

console.log(listitems.item(1).innerHtml);  //text mattum print aagum (value)

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Hello 1 // value
Hiii 2
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for ( let i = 0 ; i < listItems.length ; i++){




Hello 1 // value
Hiii 2
Hello 1 // value
Hiii 2

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for ( let i = 0 ; i < listItems.length ; i++){

listitems.item(i).innerHTML = 'modified item ${i+1}';  


<li class= "list-item"> Hello1 </p> // hello1 ippo modified item 1 aagm.

modified item 1
modified item 2
modified item 3
modified item 4

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convert to array

       var n            type conversion
const itemsArray = Array.from(listItems);

itemsArray.forEach((item) =>{




modified item 1
modified item 2
modified item 3
modified item 4

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const contents = document.getElementById('content').getElementsByTagName('p') console.log(contents);

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function contentItemsStyle() {  // particular element select Panni styles apply pannum. 

contents.item(0).style.color = 'red';

contents.item(1).style.fontSize = '14px';

contents.item(2).style.fontWeight = '700';

contents.item(3).style.backgroundColor = 'pink';

contents.item(3).style.color = 'white';


contentItemsStyle(); //function 

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function contentStyle() {  // multiple elementsku styles apply pannum  

for (let i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) {    //for loop

contents.item(i).style.paddingBottom = '6px';




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Remove element from Dom:

const message document.getElementById('message');

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// message.remove();
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setTimeout(() => { message.remove(); ), 3000);  //3s apram dlt agum

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Adding element to DOM:

const newParagraph = document.createElement('p');

newParagraph.textContent = 'This is a new paragraph added dynamically.'; = 'green';


const container = document.getElementById('main');

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appendChild(): Adds a new element as the last child of the parent element.

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insertBefore(): Inserts a new element before an existing child element.

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insertAdjacentHTML(): Inserts HTML content at a specified position relative to an e

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container.insertBefore(newParagraph, heading);

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container.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<p>See Me After Main Begin</p>');

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container.insertAdjacentHTML ('afterend', '<p>See Me After Main End</p>');

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Ontainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', '<p>See Me Before Main Begin</p>');

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container.insertAdjacentHTML ('beforeend', '<p>See Me Before Main End</p>');

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<p style="padding-top: 20px;">See Me Before Main End</p>'


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query Selector

//ID irundhalum class ahh irundhalum select pannum

Selecting elements using querySelector (work both class on id more flexibility

      Var name                           //I'd symbol
const subTitle = document.querySelector('#subtitle');
                                        // class . Symbol
console.log(subTitle); // tags text print aagum

console.log(subTitle.textContent);  // text only

setTimeout(() {

subTitle.textContent = "New Subtitle from JS';

}, 4000); // 4s wait pannum apram style apply pannum. 

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Selecting multiple elements using querySelectorAll

const listItemsQuery = document.querySelectorAll('.list-item');

console.log(listItems Query);

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Loop :

// node irukuradha array vaa convert panna avasiyam illai...apdiyea wrk pannalaam inga.

listItemsQuery.forEach((item, index) => {

item.textContent = Modified Item ${index + 2);


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