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Ranjit Odedra
Ranjit Odedra

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How Internet works ?

In simple word

Internet is conections of computer. where one computer can ask for data of another computer. all the computer of world are connected throught optical fiber cable. where data is converted to analog signal then that optical fiber cable get connected to a router that convert it in to digital or electromegnetic signal.

mostly this optical fiber cable are connected whith you ISP (Internet Service Provider) ex. Jio,BSNL.

from there router they convert it in to electromegnetic signals.

lets take example of youtube video

A youtube videos is stored in Data center of Google. In data center it stored in server which also a computer having SSD (Solid State Drive) inside it where data is stored.

it is possible that more then one web site are stored in one server then we can differentiate them by host header. sometimes it also happanes that entire data center is alloted one webite like google,fb.

every digital device in this world have unique IP address including your phone and server of google.

IP β†’ Internet Protocol

IP address is like your post address from they companies located where they have send data. and from where.

your video is sended you in binary formate . and in small packets example 6 bits in each packet all this packet will be sended to use they all might arive from different routes . according to most efficient path any perticular package at that time.

when a package i arived to router that it get reassemble. suppose any packet is lost they response is sended to server and again that part is sended.

for wesite first its load html , css , js , then your video…

so thats how you watch your video.

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