Simplest meaning
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
React is a javascript library which is used for building user interfaces. 😎
It contains three important things
- Declarative
- Component-Based
- Learn Once, Write Anywhere
1. Declarative
React makes it painless to create interactive UIs.
For example: If we want to add a tag to the other tag so we have to write code like this in javascript
first, get the id or class name of another tag
then put the tag in it with the help of innerHTML
but in react we don't need this kind of stuff
Just create a function like a javascript function
And return the tag that's it.
And everything is maintained by the react.
Now you have created the component.
what is a component? we will talk about it in the component section
2. Component-Based
- Component means dividing the big UI code into the small UI block of code
For example
let's say we have a home page where have put all the code in it like buttons, navbar, sidebar, body and so on right.
Suppose we created a new page like about us where we want to add a button.
So what we do is just copy the button code from the home page and past it on the about us page
But there is a problem if we change the colour of the button so we have to change the button colour on every page
So this problem is resolved by COMPONENT
Let's take the previous example, how does the component help us to solve this problem?
First, it creates a separate file like button.js (Component) for the button code Ok
Then it just links the button.js file with a home page and about us page
So if any changes occur in the button so we just need to change the button file and then all the files which import it. their button will change
3. Learn Once, Write Anywhere
this one means reusability
Right, Now code is more reusable
we can take the button example create a new button component and put the button code into it.
And use this component in every file where we want to add button code this is reusable
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