This week we sit down with Phani Raju.
He's a Staff Engineer at GitHub and lead on the GitHub Package Registry. He tells us what package registries are and why GitHub is uniquely suited to take them to the next step in security, trust, and user experience.
This is an awesome chat if you'd like to learn more about where your packages may be coming from in the future. It's also a fantastic lens into the great engineering and design thinking that is alive and well at GitHub — and how the Dear GitHub letter sparked a new wave of innovation.
- Introducing GitHub Package Registry
- Github Releases on the Github blog
- Announcing Git Large File Storage (LFS on The Github Blog
- Supply chain attack on Wikipedia
- The Problem of Package Manager Trust by Phil Haack
- Dear Github — 📨 An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
- Maintainer security advisories on The GitHub Blog
- Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives on brainpickings
- The Github Blog
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