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📚 React Libraries Worth Using in 2024

Reed Barger on February 26, 2024

To make applications with React requires being familiar with the right libraries to add the features you need. For example, to add a certain featu...
mikiasyonas profile image
mikias yonas

Thank you for the brief walk around of each libraries and tools in their own categories. I am today's years old knowing about Remix and I think I am already in love(I was looking for alternatives to Nextjs when it comes to building a separate front end project with useful tools like file routing, SSR and SSG already integrated out of the box and that uses less resources)

fpaghar profile image
Fatemeh Paghar

The emphasis on TypeScript as the #1 essential tool resonates well, highlighting its significance in enhancing code quality and preventing runtime errors. The addition of a React Bootcamp resource is a fantastic bonus, offering a structured learning path for aspiring React developers.

Thank you for sharing this wealth of knowledge – it's undoubtedly a go-to reference for anyone navigating the React landscape in 2024! 🚀

wafa_bergaoui profile image
Wafa Bergaoui

This guide is a treasure trove for React developers in 2024! The detailed insights into essential libraries and tools make it an indispensable resource for both beginners and seasoned professionals. Thanks for curating such a comprehensive and up-to-date reference!

brielleariaa profile image
Brielle Aria

An insightful roundup of React libraries for 2024! It's great to see how the React ecosystem continues to evolve. For those interested in leveraging React's power for mobile app development, I highly recommend checking out this service page React Native Development Company. They specialize in delivering top-notch React Native solutions tailored to modern app development needs.

shaogat_alam_1e055e90254d profile image
Shaogat Alam

You might consider exploring the new React Select component,SelectPaginated. It allows users to dynamically load options from an API endpoint with pagination, making it a great choice for handling large datasets efficiently.

egnoel profile image

Very good! I already use some of your recommendations and got to know new ones in your post.

ahmadmaartmesrini profile image
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Ahmad Maartmesrini • Edited

TLDR: I built Sumz with JSmastry, here's the sum of this fantastic article.
this article summary

ahmadmaartmesrini profile image
Ahmad Maartmesrini

text version:
This text provides a comprehensive guide on the essential libraries and tools to use in 2024 for building React applications. It covers various aspects of React development, including React frameworks like Vite, Next.js, Remix, and Astro, as well as package managers like NPM and Bun. The guide also discusses CSS and UI libraries such as Tailwind CSS, ShadCN, Material UI, Mantine, and Chakra UI, along with state management libraries like Zustand, Recoil, and Jotai. Furthermore, the text delves into data fetching libraries like React Query and SWR, routing libraries like React Router and Tanstack Router, authentication solutions like Supabase, NextAuth, Clerk, and Lucia, and database and ORM options like Supabase, Firebase, Prisma, and Drizzle. It also touches on date and time libraries, form libraries like React Hook Form, drag and drop libraries like DnD Kit, and mobile app development tools like React Native, Expo, Tamagui, and Capacitor.js. Additionally, the guide discusses deployment options for React apps, emphasizing platforms like Vercel, Netlify, Cloudflare Pages, Railway, and Render. Lastly, the text highlights the importance of TypeScript as an essential tool for React developers in 2024, emphasizing its benefits in detecting type errors and improving code quality. It also promotes a React Bootcamp resource that offers a comprehensive learning experience for mastering React development, including videos, challenges, portfolio projects, cheatsheets, and a Next.js bootcamp.

kelkes profile image
David Wippel

I would add hasura (and nhost) as Alternative to supabase.

oadrian2 profile image

Pretty sure Recoil is dead and is no longer being maintained.

crimsonmed profile image
Médéric Burlet

Would add OvermindJS to the list for state management. It's very complete

_ndeyefatoudiop profile image
Ndeye Fatou Diop

Very nice list ! I also always recommend lodash

pinhead16 profile image
John Moltasanti

This is a really great article for React in 2024! Most other lists that claim it is up to date for 2024 still list Create React App as the top tool!

eyub profile image
Еюб Мехмед

Yoo man I bought your course but I typed in the wrong email. Can you resented it to the .com veersion not .con. I typed but it should be .con or just give a refound

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