Hello all!
This is my first post about RoBeats CS, and all of the cool and interesting stuff that is going into it.
First off, I'd like to mention that the game is now open-source on GitHub: https://github.com/RoBeats-CS/robeats-cs
Second, let's talk about all the new stuff that's going into the game! * Everything is getting redone, and that includes the UI.
- The options menu will now be split into subsections.
- The gameplay screen will look comparable to osu!.
- The results screen will have metrics support.
- All those weird bugs in the old version will hopefully disappear.
- Spectating
- And much more!
All the UIs are being written using a technology called Roact, which is a implementation of JavaScript's React framework in Roblox Lua. This will allow the game's codebase to become super-flexible and allow for quick and easy changes once finished.
One major point of concern is spectating. I am happy to say that spectating is now a thing in RoBeats CS (I already implemented it within the game's codebase), but I never added full support for the feature. This means that there won't be any spectating until it is developed enough until it is in alpha.
Lastly, the database performance! If you have played for any extended amount of time, you may have noticed that anything related to the database (e.g. leaderboards, global rankings, skill rating) is slow and unperformant. I plan to fix this by implementing a Redis cache within the web server to speed up response times and avoid re-querying.
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