DEV Community

Discussion on: The TypeScript Experience

reharik profile image
Raif Harik

I don't know if it's an issue with ts or tooling or what, but 9 times out 10 when there is an error it is super difficult to understand what type is expected and/or how you have failed to satisfy it. There is often so many layers of inheritance, extension or composition that knowing what you need to provide can eat away your day. And sanity. Even when it is a simple type and a simple violation the error message is super verbose.
After about 9 months if full time ts dev, I can get around just fine and can decode errors pretty well, but it wasn't easy and definitely wasn't pretty.
My other major complaint is that while you get all the verbosity of a strongly typed language, you get none of the good parts. E.g. introspection/reflection, metadata about the types you are using. Instead of helping me to write intelligent tools, I find it prevents me from writing reusable code by requiring use of generics, which in c# I found to be one of the greatest assets, but in ts I find to be a black hole.

jwp profile image
John Peters

The number of layers of inheritance do not need to be deep. Chances are high the deep inheritance aspect is bad implementation.

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

If you hover a function or variable in visual studio code it will tell you exactly what type it expects:

(method) RTCPeerConnection.addIceCandidate(candidate?: RTCIceCandidateInit | undefined): Promise<void> (+1 overload)
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not sure what you mean by it being super verbose, when i have a type violation i see something like this which tells me exactly what i did wrong:

Argument of type '{ bla: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RTCIceCandidateInit'.
  Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'bla' does not exist in type 'RTCIceCandidateInit'.
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