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Load Balancer Tutorial 2020 - System Design Basics

Renaissance Engineer on August 31, 2020

Load balancers aren't sexy but they ARE pretty much the backbone required for building modern distributed systems. There's surprisingly little cont...
abdisalan_js profile image

Glad you're making System design content! I look forward to more :)

okroid profile image

Those were some good yet brief explanations! I'll be taking system design this semester so I hope you keep producing more videos related to this! :D

renaissanceengineer profile image
Renaissance Engineer

hopefully these videos will give you a bit of a mental warmup so the class is easier to understand

wassimbj profile image
Wassim Ben Jdida

i love those type of vids that talks about the technical side of web dev, looking forward to other videos !

renaissanceengineer profile image
Renaissance Engineer

yeah, I'm just trying to make the kind of videos I wish I'd had when I was starting out. Without understanding any of the stuff behind the scenes I always felt like it was just magic, but it's really not that hard to understand with the right source to help you learn it

lagsurfer profile image

Great video! I hope there is going to be more :)

renaissanceengineer profile image
Renaissance Engineer

just put out the 2nd video covering Vertical vs Horizontal scaling here:

have most of notes written for each topic, just need to make presentation and record

andreasvirkus profile image

Looking forward to the rest of the series! ✊

renaissanceengineer profile image
Renaissance Engineer

glad you enjoyed it!

2nd video is posted up above, I'll be updating this post every time I post a new video or article

djubreel profile image
Jubril Edu

Nice Content!

tahmidbintaslim profile image
Tahmid Bin Taslim Rafi

Hi, I wanted to learn about the System Design Basics, but I can see some reference that you posted are no longer available. Could you please update this article?