DEV Community

Rennie Bevineau
Rennie Bevineau

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My Development Process

Now more than ever e-learning platforms must be employed to reach new students and retain existing ones. As I started working with Peace of Cake English Academy we took a look at what challenges they were facing with keeping students engaged in content and retaining students at their academy. Together we determined that enhancing the impact of their learning materials would be of primary importance. We created a test application converting their pdf materials into an online fill in the blank quiz complete with audio.

This solved a key problem the students were having. Having an engaging way to get instant feedback concerning the learning material they were being assigned. The students would previously have to find the audio or video files in the pdf online and listen to them while filling out a paper copy of the questions the instructor gave them. Also, students are more accustomed to all their learning materials being online and having things being in an engaging format. By gamifying the learning materials we enabled the students to get instant feedback concerning right and wrong answers and see the media files integrated within each question. At the end of the quiz, the student could see their score and could retake the quiz to score higher.

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This was a great improvement upon the previous process. We immediately received feedback from students about how engaging the new quiz was. Students could complete the material on their computer or phone. They didn't have to depend on the teacher sending them over the materials. They had access to the quiz at any time they needed it and could take the quiz as many times as they wanted to retain their lessons quicker. They also did not need to depend on the instructor to grade their quizzes as they received instant feedback after each question.

While this was a great improvement over the previous process there were improvements to be made. The process that the instructor used to make the quiz material was the same as always. They would create the quiz pdf and now hand it over to the development team to be changed into the finished code. I took a look at this process and suggested to the client the creation of an admin section. Through developing a dashboard for the instructors, they are now able to create custom quizzes that can be directly used by students. This prevents further development time after each quiz is made and gives teachers direct control over uploading media and creating, editing, and deleting quizzes. The new dashboard was ready for adoption. The easy to use interface meant that the instructors could quickly create new quizzes with a low learning curve to use the dashboard.


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In the end, we were able to directly translate the way that POC English academy created quizzes in paper form into a web application and created an e-learning platform that exceeded expectations. The client found that students are constantly looking for new ways to interact with their English lessons that are catered to their interests. That is why providing them a unique and engaging e-learning solution centered around the teacher's style of developing materials and the student's interests has been so helpful for them to retain and grow their client base. With e-learning, it is important to make sure that the student is engaged and offered a unique experience time and time again.

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