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Bootstrap vs. Tailwind CSS

Kudzai Murimi on May 23, 2024

Bootstrap vs. Tailwind CSS: What's the Difference? Hello Dev Community! 👋 Welcome to another insightful article where we dive into the ...
giovapanasiti profile image
Giovanni Panasiti •

Great article. I'd like to note that if you try to go a bit further than the basic example bootstrap continues to have a short, readable, and with clear markup while tailwind gets more and more clutter HTML.

I love bootstrap so much that I'm even trying to give it a new kinda of life with

Since the bootstrap ecosystem was really leaking of high quality, production-grade components

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi •

Thank Giovanni, l will release more about Bootstrap soon!

fadekocodeit profile image
Future_Developer •

I think both bootstrap and tailwind css are great! It's dependent on what your projects requirements and preferences are, my first project l used bootstrap but l will suggest that it's good to learn both framework.

biolater profile image
Muradsas •

Yeah but for beginners bootstrap is more suitable at first. Getting used to a css framework is important before moving into tailwind css. That is what i did at least.

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi •

Thanks for sharing the knowledge, I second you on that Murad!

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair •

Personally I think it'd be better to learn the fundamentals of CSS first rather than an abstraction. In this instance I'd say learn CSS, then Tailwind instead of Bootstrap - it's more modern and it's "closer to the metal".

Full disclosure, I'd also say learn the fundamentals of CSS and don't bother with Tailwind (or any other HTML-based framework) so take what I say with a pinch of salt.

Thread Thread
minahmmassy profile image
Minah Mmassy •

Fact!!! My friend started learning coding. She learned HTML and said CSS has a lot to study. She wanted a shortcut, so I told her about Tailwind. She liked how I use it because it's simpler than pure CSS. But I told her, "You’ll never truly understand it until you learn at least a little bit of CSS" Link

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi •

Yeah, 100% true!
It depends on the project.

poetro profile image
Peter Galiba •

The Choose Tailwind CSS if section looks to be unfinished.

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi •

Thanks Peter!

dagnelies profile image
Arnaud Dagnelies •

It should be noted that Bootstrap offers utility classes too. See for example. This kind of stuff is not limited to tailwind. ...actually, almost all CSS frameworks have utility classes.

eshimischi profile image
eshimischi •

Check UnoCSS too

respect17 profile image
Kudzai Murimi •

Thanks Eshimischi. Will look into that too!

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah •

Great share!

vishv profile image
Vishv •

Great comparison.

stevensacks profile image
Steven Sacks • • Edited
herohunter001 profile image
Hero Hunter •


devnenyasha profile image
Melody Mbewe •

Great article.

lotfijb profile image
Lotfi Jebali •

Great post ! thanks for sharing these thoughts

lindiwe09 profile image
Doklin •

Great article!

at-the-vr profile image
Atharva •

TailwindCSS removed purge since 3.0 there's a dedicated section addressing optimization using its own cli and CssNano

ncarps profile image
Neil •

The purge config option might have been removed, but there's still an option to add a 'content' config that does the same job as far as I'm aware.