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Building My Personal Site with Go and TailwindCSS

Andrew Davis on December 17, 2018

Recently, I found the domain available for purchase. I tried to buy it in the past, but it was already taken. I quickly purchased th...
jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Tailwind++. I'd like to also recommend PurgeCSS if you're not using that yet.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Also, nice and simple idea for your personal site. Simple bio, simple post feed. I may have to look at SimpleMDE for Markdown now too.

restoreddev profile image
Andrew Davis

Thanks for the recommendation. I have been wanting to set up PurgeCSS.

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

It's a wonderful tool for sure. Tailwind is the first CSS framework of its kind that I've used (generated completely from a JS config file), so I haven't yet learned to tune the config enough to remove what I don't need while keeping what I definitely want.

PurgeCSS made this far less painful though. Now I do get to keep some variations of things that I'll end up using and completely removing any other class variations that don't appear anywhere in my source.

darksmile92 profile image
Robin Kretzschmar

Tailwind was new to me, looks promising for my next side project so I'll give it a try. Thanks for mentioning it :)

restoreddev profile image
Andrew Davis

It’s definitely worth the time to learn it.

atrandafir profile image
Alexandru Trandafir

How did you do the code syntax highlight in the posts?

shindakun profile image
Steve Layton

Very cool! I just started to plan to build out a site with Go, I may have to check out SimpleMDE!

restoreddev profile image
Andrew Davis

TailwindCSS is great, thanks for reading!

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Theofanis Despoudis

You will probably don't need to have a backend if you have a static site. I'm currently building a community site using Gatsby.js and it works great. I will check out Tailwind.css though