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Bahadır Kurul for Retter

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Creating Image Optimizer With Rio

In this project we will upload an image and get image with different sizes.

We will use nanoid to create ids for images. Sharp to resize images and zod for models.

  # classes/Image/package.json

  "dependencies": {
    "@retter/rdk": "1.1.15",
    "nanoid": "3.3.4",
    "sharp": "0.30.6",
    "zod": "3.19.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/node": "17.0.45",
    "@types/sharp": "0.31.0",
    "ts-node": "10.9.1"
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As you can see we will have 3 functions upload, get and remove.

# classes/Image/template.yml

init: index.init
getInstanceId: index.getInstanceId
  - method: get
    type: STATIC
    handler: image.get

  - method: upload
    type: STATIC
    inputModel: UploadInput
    handler: image.upload

  - method: remove
    type: STATIC
    inputModel: RemoveInput
    handler: image.remove
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Export uploadInput and removeImageInput to use as inputModel.

import { z } from 'zod'

const imageId = z.string().regex(/^[\dA-Za-z-]{5,50}$/)

export const uploadInput = z.object({
    content: z.string()

export const resizedImageParameters = z.object({
    id: z.string(),
    width: z
        .preprocess((value) => Number.parseInt(value as string, 10), z.number())
    height: z
        .preprocess((value) => Number.parseInt(value as string, 10), z.number())
    quality: z.enum(['low', 'default', 'medium', 'high']).optional().default('default'),
    fit: z.enum(['contain', 'cover', 'fill', 'inside', 'outside']).optional().default('inside'),
    content: z.any(),

export const removeImageInput = z.object({
    imageId: z.string()

export const parsedPath = z.object({
    imageId: z.string(),
    width: z.string().optional(),
    height: z.string().optional(),
    quality: z.string().optional(),
    format: z.string().optional(),
    fit: z.string().optional(),

export type UploadInput = z.infer<typeof uploadInput>
export type ResizedImageParameters = z.infer<typeof resizedImageParameters>
export type RemoveImageInput = z.infer<typeof removeImageInput>
export type ParsedPath = z.infer<typeof parsedPath>
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Authorizer just returns statusCode: 200. And getInstanceId is like below.

// classes/Image/index.ts

export async function getInstanceId(): Promise<string> {
    return "default"
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const imagePrefix = 'IMAGE_'
const defaultImage = 'defaultImage'
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Upload Function

Here content is base64 encoded image. Checking if content is in base64 format.

// classes/Image/image.ts

const { content } = data.request.body as UploadInput
const projectId = data.context.projectId

// 10 Character ID
const nanoid = customAlphabet('0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-', 10)
const imageId = nanoid();

if (Buffer.from(content, 'base64').toString('base64') !== content) {
    throw new Error('Content is not base-64 format')
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After that uploading image with generated id and checking if upload succeeded.

// classes/Image/image.ts

const setFileResponse = await rdk.setFile({
        filename: imagePrefix + imageId,
        body: content,

if (!setFileResponse?.success) {
    throw new Error('Image could not be uploaded!')
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Lastly our functions response is like below.

// classes/Image/image.ts

data.response = {
        statusCode: 200,
        body: {
            message: 'Image has been uploaded',
            id: imageId,
            url: `https://${projectId}${projectId}/CALL/Image/get/${imageId}_1024x1024_default_inside.png`
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Get Function

This function will be called by an url like this. Example

// classes/Image/image.ts

const path = data.context.pathParameters.path

if (!path) {
    throw new Error('Path does not exist')

const newPath = parsePath(path)
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parsePath function is below. This function splits url path with _, ., x seperators. Example imageId_500x500_high_cover.png. This way we are giving parameters of function with url.

// classes/Image/image.ts
const parsePath = (path: string): ParsedPath => {
    // Get path
    const fullPath = path.split('/')[1]
    // Get before "." and split it every "_"
    const ids = fullPath.split('.')[0].split('_')
    if (ids.length < 2 || ids.length > 4 || !fullPath.includes('.')) {
        throw new Error('Invalid image path')

    const quality = ids.length > 2 ? ids[2] : undefined
    const fit = ids.length > 3 ? ids[3] : undefined
    const parameterObject = {
        imageId: ids[0],
        width: ids[1].split('x')[0],
        height: ids[1].split('x')[1],
        format: fullPath.split('.')[1],

    return parameterObject
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After getting parameters on newPath we are getting our file like below.

// classes/Image/image.ts

if (!file?.success) {
    file = await rdk.getFile({
            filename: imagePrefix + defaultImage,
if (!file?.success) throw new Error("Something went wrong while getting file!")
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Now we will use sharp to resize our image with given parameters. Uploaded string contains data header like this data:image/png;base64,. We have to remove this or sharp throws an error.

// classes/Image/image.ts

const fileData: string =
const uri = fileData.split(';base64,').pop()
const image = Buffer.from(uri, 'base64')

const parameters: ResizedImageParameters = resizedImageParameters.parse({
        content: image,
        id: newPath.imageId,
        width: newPath.width,
        height: newPath.height,
        quality: newPath.quality,
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Calling getResizedImage function with parameters.

// classes/Image/image.ts

const resizedImage = await getResizedImage(parameters)
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getResizedImage function is below. This function is outside our get function.

// classes/Image/image.ts

const getResizedImage = async ({ 
        height, width, quality, content, fit 
    } : ResizedImageParameters): Promise<Buffer> => {
    const image = await sharp(content)
        .resize(width, height, {
        .toFormat('png', { quality: qualities[quality] })

    return image
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Finally returning resizedImage in response.

// classes/Image/image.ts

data.response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: resizedImage.toString("base64"),
    isBase64Encoded: true,
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "image/jpg"
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Remove Function

Removing image with given imageId.

// classes/Image/image.ts

const { imageId } = data.request.body as RemoveImageInput

if (!imageId) throw new Error('Invalid remove request')

const deleteFileResponse = await rdk.deleteFile({
    filename: imagePrefix + imageId,

if (!deleteFileResponse?.success) {
    throw new Error('Image file could not removed')

data.response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: {
        message: 'Image has been removed.',
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And thats it. Here is all code for the project. Thanks.


Rio Docs
Zod Github
Nanoid Github
Sharp Github

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