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One Nim web framework to rule over all styles


Nim language is an elegant and expressive programming language. The powerful macros system allows you to create impressive programs. Let's play with the magics in the Nim world.


Nim Version >= 1.4.0 Installation

Prologue Version >= 0.4.0

nimble install prologue@0.4.0
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Prologue is a great web framework in the Nim world. However, Prologue framework tries to avoid using macros. It is intended to reduce magic and reduce surprise. Macros could save you from redundant codebases. At the mean time, it could bring surprise. This article talks about how to extend the routing style outside Prologue without invading inside the web framework.

There are three ways to register routing out of box using Prologue.

Using a callback is the most basic way. First write an asynchronous function which responds "Hello World!" to the client. Next create a new Prologue instance. Then use get function to register the routing and handler. Finally run the application.

Visit localhost:8080/hello and "Hello World!" will be displayed on the screen.

import prologue
proc hello(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  resp "Hello World!"
var app = newApp()
app.get("/hello", hello)
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If you love Express.js or Koa web framework, you may prefer the style below which uses anonymous function.

Visit localhost:8080/hello and "Hello World!" will be displayed on the screen.

import prologue
var app = newApp()
app.get("/hello", proc(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  resp "Hello World!")
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If you love Django web framework, you may prefer the style below which uses URL patterns.

Visit localhost:8080/hello and "Hello World!" will be displayed on the screen.

import prologue
proc hello(ctx: Context) {.async.} =
  resp "Hello World!"
let urlPatterns = @[
  pattern("/hello", hello)
var app = newApp()
app.addRoute(urlPatterns, "")
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The topic of today is to extend Prologue with the powerful macros outside the web framework.

If you love Flask web framework, you may prefer the style below which uses pragmas to simulate decorators.

The core codebase is just 4 lines:

import prologue
import std/macros
macro get*(app: Prologue, path: string, body: untyped) = 
  let handler = body[0] # Gets the name of handler, for example "hello"
  result = quote do:
    prologue.get(`app`, `path`, `handler`)
macro get*(app: Prologue, path: string, middlewares: openArray[HandlerAsync], body: untyped) = discard
var app = newApp()
proc hello(ctx: Context) {.async, get(app, "/hello").} =
  resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
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If you love Jester or Sinatra web framework, you may prefer the style below.

The core codebase is just 4 lines too:

import prologue except get
import std/[macros, with]
macro get*(app: Prologue, route: string, body: untyped) =
  let ctx = ident"ctx"
  result = quote do:
    prologue.get(`app`, `route`, proc (`ctx`: Context) {.async.} = `body`)
var app = newApp()
with app:
  get "/hello":
    resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
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The powerful macros system could transform Prologue framework into the DSL style completely(Thanks to @exelotl and @Vindaar). It could be used to generate codebases using templates. Redundant codes will be simplified. The less is more.

The full codebase is less than 40 lines. defineRouteSugar and defineGroup are the templates to generate all the DSL routing functions. It makes codebases simple and hard to go wrong.

# dsl_style.nim
import prologue except head, get, post, put, delete, options
import std/macros
export prologue
macro defineRouteSugar(name: untyped) =
  let ctx = ident"ctx"
  result = quote do:
    template `name`*(app: Prologue, route: string, body: untyped) =
      prologue.`name`(app, route, proc(`ctx`: Context) {.async.} =
                                    let ctx {.inject.} = `ctx`
macro defineGroupSugar(name: untyped) =
  let ctx = ident"ctx"
  result = quote do:
    template `name`*(group: Group, route: string, body: untyped) =
      prologue.`name`(group, route, proc(`ctx`: Context) {.async.} = 
                                      let ctx {.inject.} = `ctx`
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Test code:

# app.nim
include dsl_style
import std/with
  app = newApp()
  base = newGroup(app, "/apiv2", @[])
  level1 = newGroup(app,"/level1", @[], base)
  level2 = newGroup(app, "/level2", @[], level1)
  level3 = newGroup(app, "/level3", @[], level2)
with app:
  get "/":
    resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
  get "/hello":
    resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
with base:
  get "/":
    resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
  post "/":
    resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
with level3:
  get "/":
    resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
  get "/hello":
    resp "<h1>Hello, Prologue!</h1>"
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If you are interested in Prologue or want to maintain these plugins based on macros, welcome to join our discord server.

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