DEV Community

Rishabh Sharma
Rishabh Sharma

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From solidity to organizing a hackathon- Dev Retro 2022

2022 was quite an exciting year for many, especially for the developers in the community as meetups and many such things saw a transition from those boring online interactions to in-person offline events. And so it was for me as well and here is a small piece of my experiences in my journey as a developer in 2022.

I started 2022 by being a part of a 6-day solidity challenge organized by GetIntoWeb3. It was my first intro to the web3 space, during which I got to learn about the basics of solidity, ERC721 Tokens in Etherium, and believe me, making a smart contract seemed like a joke to me in the first instance, only to realize how wrong I was, lol. Well, PS: I didn't win the challenge, and alas USDT 75 just got off my hands.

Getting on to lead a project!

But, the same day the results were posted, I got to know of an NGO, looking for a website to be made from scratch. The opportunity looked good to me to get back on my web journey which I had pulled some breaks on, as things were getting boring to me. And hence, without even thinking, I called them and immediately snapped the project for my team. I must say, that the feeling of owning a work was never so real ever before, as everything from designing the UI to code was to be done from scratch. Although it's a static website and didn't pay me any real bucks, I proudly show it to anyone who asks me about my first personal project as it made me lead a live project for the first time. You can have a look at it too -

After this exams kept us busy for a long while, and the only thing I could do was to keep learning ReactJS. Hughh, how could I forget hackCBS. I designed the UI for the current edition's website. But covering it later would be better I guess, so let's keep the hackCBS stories for the later part of the blog.

PyData Delhi MeetUp

And boom, it's May, and there I am in my first community meetup organized by PyData Delhi. It was an experience in itself, meeting people from the industry for the first time. I still remember, when we entered, and the first session started, we realized that we were at the wrong place, as everything just flew over our minds. But still, we enjoyed that online-to-offline transition.

Grinding for hackCBS 5.0

So, half the year has passed, and the real work or the 'stress wala period' of my 2022 journey began. hackCBS was just 4 months away, and the pressure to keep things going right was real. For anyone who is not aware of it, hackCBS is India's largest student-run hackathon organized by us (Kronos-The Tech Society of SSCBS). It started in 2018 and became the first MLH member hackathon in the entire Asia-Pacific region, a Microsoft-partnered event in 2019. And hence, the pressure to maintain that glory and continue it further could be felt by everyone on the team. What was even more challenging was that although we had organized hackCBS 4.0 the previous year, it was an online one and none of us had organized or even been to an offline hackathon before, and we were all striving along the journey like an absolute newbie. The savior was the worthy guidance that all of our seniors kept giving us taking out time from their own busy lives. Hats off to all of them. Yes! You can imagine the emotions we put into it. From leading the UI design and development and pitching to the sponsors or thinking of the marketing and whatnot, I found myself pretty much working in almost every domain along with my co-lead, Shyaamal Tripathi. This is something you ought to be doing while leading from the front.

Attending the MLH HackCon'22

When I started the blog with my love for offline meetups, it was a real thing. This time, it was MLH HackCon, an annual conference held in L.A.(USA), which was going to be organized in India for the first time. It was an invite-only event and getting into it along with Shyaamal, representing hackCBS was a beautiful feeling on its own. Meeting MLH Coaches, GitHub Campus Experts, and other such people contributing immensely to the community motivated us and provided us with another reason to make hackCBS happen. I wanted to give back to the community in some way, and this seemed an appropriate one. And, HackCon also allowed me to deliver my first public talk during a group discussion carried out by fellow coaches about the hackathons.

hackCBS - The Final Showdown Begins!

My entire October went carrying the last-minute approvals for the website and operations, as I was leading both personally. The website looked good, everything else was done, check-ins were sent, and we were just a few hours away from making it. And finally, the journey of providing developers like me a platform to show their skills and develop projects solving real-world problems was completed in November, with hackCBS witnessing over 3000 registrations and 600 participants live in the two-day hackathon.

Polygon Guild Delhi'22

And lastly, my journey as a developer in 2022 ended with once again represnting hackCBS as a community partner in another invite-only event organized by Polygon to educate people more about the Polygon and the development opportunities associated with it.

Thanks for holding on till here!

If you enjoyed reading my journey till the end, then I think we must connect. Just drop me a 'Hi!' on any of the platforms below, and share with me the part of my journey you liked the most. I would love to know about it.





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