Hi, folks! Today, I solved four problems on LeetCode: Generate Parentheses, 3Sum Closest, Remove K-Digits, and Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum. Each problem can be solved using different concepts. By solving at least one problem from each concept, we can recap various concepts in a single day.
The Generate Parentheses problem can be solved using recursion. 3Sum Closest can be solved with the two-pointer technique. Remove K-Digits is a logical problem that can be approached using a stack. Finally, Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum can also be solved with a logical approach.
In the Generate Parentheses problem, we need to find all possible arrangements of parentheses for a given number. With the help of recursion, we repeat the process until we find all possible arrangements. The base condition is reaching the input number.
In the 3Sum Closest problem, we use the two-pointer technique. We start with the left pointer at zero and the right pointer at the last index. We traverse with both pointers until we find the sum closest to the target.
To solve Remove K-Digits, we need to use a stack along with a logical approach. In this problem, we also have to handle edge cases like leading zeros. The stack is used to store smaller digits in each iteration, and at the end, we pop the stack to create the new number.
For the Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum, we can use a loop to traverse the array, compare each element with the given bounds, and increment the count accordingly. In the end, we return the count.
I hope my experience will be helpful!
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