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Pakawat (Tle) Teerawattanasuk
Pakawat (Tle) Teerawattanasuk

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WooCommerce Webhook and AWS Lambda

WooCommerce is very popular platform for e-commerce, while it's in PHP and usually self-hosted on self-managed servers or shared host, I got some question from my friend to extend WooCommerce functionality. It's possible to write plugin but for my use cases, using WC Webhook and AWS Lambda is more convenient. In this example, I will handle Webhook call when order is updated (order.updated).

More information about WC Webhook


  • Pre installed Wordpress & WooCommerce (And your host IP)
  • Basic knowledge of creating lambda function with NodeJS runtime
  • Basic knowledge about to create REST API on API Gateway




When receiving Webhook event, it's important to check for integrity of Webhook content to prevent malicious request. In order to do so we can calculate HMAC using Webhook content and secret which store in both side. After validated event integrity, we can proceed to process event.


Setup AWS Lambda

First, let create Lambda function that will process our webhook event.

  • Create lambda function with Node runtime
    Setup Lambda

  • Set up Configuration > Environment Variables > Add WC_SECRET (this same value should be used when configure WooCommerce Webhook later)
    Environment Variable

  • Add The following Code to Lambda index.js file

    const crypto = require('crypto');
    function validateRequest (event) {
    // GET Secret from Environment Variable
    const { WC_SECRET } = process.env;
    // Get Header with Hash to validate from header (event.header)
    const wc_hmac_hash = event.headers ?
    event.headers['X-WC-Webhook-Signature'] || event.headers['x-wc-webhook-signature']
    : "";
    // Calculate Hash from content (event.body)
    const content_hmac_hash = crypto.createHmac("sha256", WC_SECRET)
    .update(Buffer.from(event.body, "utf8"))
    if(content_hmac_hash !== wc_hmac_hash) {
    //Request Integrity check failed; Invalid Webhook
    console.log('Integrity of request compromised, aborting');
    return false;
    // Valid Webhook
    return true;
    async function processPurchase(data) {
    //Add code here to process purchase , notify user , etc
    const { status } = data;
    switch(status) {
    case "processing": {
    case "completed": {
    default: {
    //Log data
    console.log(`Unknown event ${status}`);
    // Use API Gateway Lambda Proxy to include header in event object
    exports.handler = async (event) => {
    let response;
    if(!validateRequest(event)) {
    response = {
    statusCode: 400,
    body: JSON.stringify("Bad request"),
    return response;
    } else {
    const data = JSON.parse(event.body);
    await processPurchase(data);
    response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify('Process Completed'),
    return response;
  • For Testing, if you set WC_SECRET to "woocommerce", you can use the following test event in Lambda

    "headers": {
    "X-WC-Webhook-Signature": "errtu1XQr0dm48Yz3ufiVvCgrcu2kin+H7WYQQ8Y0fE="
    "body": "{\"status\":\"completed\",\"billing\":{\"first_name\":\"Jamy\",\"last_name\":\"\",\"company\":\"\",\"address_1\":\"\",\"address_2\":\"\",\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"postcode\":\"\",\"country\":\"\",\"email\":\"\",\"phone\":\"0888889999\"},\"customer_note\":\"\",\"line_items\":[{\"id\":90,\"name\":\"่Item-1 Sample Produc\",\"product_id\":23,\"variation_id\":0,\"quantity\":1,\"tax_class\":\"\",\"subtotal\":\"200.00\",\"subtotal_tax\":\"0.00\",\"total\":\"200.00\",\"total_tax\":\"0.00\",\"taxes\":[],\"meta_data\":[],\"sku\":\"\",\"price\":200,\"parent_name\":null}]}"
  • Deploy and testing Lambda function will give you the success screen with event log (OnOrderCompleted in screenshot below)
    Lambda Test Result

Setup API Gateway

Next step is to create API Gateway to receive webhook. For some unknown reason, WooCommerce Webhook don't fire pre-flight request (OPTION) and always skip CORS, so I will skip detail about enabling CORS here.

  • Create REST API
    Create REST API

  • Create Resource (order)
    Create Order Resource

  • Create POST method point to the Lambda function created earlier. Note that we need to enable Lambda Proxy Integration in order to forward header to Lambda Function.
    Create POST Method

  • In order to only allow API call which initiate from our WooCommerce server. Create Resource Policy with explicit Deny on call from IP outside our own servers.
    Resource Policy
    Using Resource Policy below, replace REGION, ACCOUNT_ID, API_ID and SOURCE_CIDR with your own configuration.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:{{REGION}}:{{ACCOUNT_ID}}:{{API_ID}}/*/*/*"
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": "execute-api:Invoke",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:execute-api:{{REGION}}:{{ACCOUNT_ID}}:{{API_ID}}/*/*/*"
            "Condition": {
                "NotIpAddress": {
                    "aws:SourceIp": "{{SOURCE_CIDR}}"
  • Finally, Deploy API and get your Webhook target URL (don't forget to add your resource name when calling it)

Setup WooCommerce Webhook

Go to your WooCommerce (in my case i use ngrok to host it locally) and config Webhook

  • To config webhook go to Setting > Advanced > Webhooks and select Add Webhook
    Webhook Setting

  • Config new webhook as we plan

    • Status : Active
    • Topic : Order Updated
    • Delivery URL : API Gateway's Invoke URL following by /order (or any resource name, created in API Gateway)
    • Secret : same value with WC_SECRET configured in AWS Lambda's Environment Variable. Webhook Configuration
  • Hit Save, you may likely get error 400, like the picture below, because when we setup webhook, woocommerce try to send POST request to our API but we didn't handle it above. However, our webhook will work anyway, let's go to test our webhook.

    Error 400

Test it!

Let's test our webhook, create an order and update it to processing or completed and let's check the logs.

  • WooCommerce Log at Status > Logs and select log file starting with webhook-delivery- and click view. In Response value, check http response Code and Body value to see success webhook.
    WC Log

  • Alternately, you can check CloudWatch Log groups for AWS Lambda log.


There're many things we can do with WooCommerce Webhook e.g. Save your information for further processing or trigger automation. I write this article aiming for those who want to start explore and expand your e-commerce business, so if you happen to come across this, I hope you found it useful and help you realize your idea in business!

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