DEV Community

David Tuite for Roadie

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Why Hybrid is Best for IDPs

The Internal Developer Portal (IDP) market is only 5 or 6 years old, but we’ve seen a huge amount of growth in that time, and many different options emerging.

According to Gartner, IDPs are reported as the most frequently piloted technology in their 2022 - 2024 Technology Adoption Roadmap Survey, and 75% of organizations with platform engineering teams will provide IDPs by 2026.

With this growth, 3 main categories of Internal Developer Portal products have emerged:

  • Open-source IDPs are exactly what you think. The code is open-source and you host and maintain it yourself.
  • Proprietary IDPs are typically software as a service startups funded by venture capital. You purchase access to them just like you purchase access to PagerDuty or GitHub Enterprise.
  • Hybrid IDPs are a combination of open-source and proprietary. They’re built on an open-source foundation, but come with commercial support and proprietary features.

In this article, I’m going to dive into each category one by one, and learn the pros and cons of each.

I’ll also explain why I believe the Hybrid model brings the best of both worlds. The community, extensibility and lack of vendor lock-on of the open-source model, alongside the low cost, ease of use, and fast deployment of the proprietary model.


While technically not an IDP, and technically not the only open-source IDP, you can’t talk about open-source IDPs without the conversation focussing on Backstage.

Backstage was open-sourced in early 2020 by Spotify. It was a rewrite of their internal IDP that they’d been using for years. It’s not an IDP because it’s actually a set of TypeScript libraries that developers can combine together to build an IDP, but it has still captured a huge amount of attention in the IDP space.

When Backstage launched, it was often compared to Hygieia from Capital One, which predates it by almost 4 years. Even after Backstage appeared, a third contender emerged with a strong start. Ride-hailing company Lyft threw their hat into the ring when they released Clutch a few months after Backstage was open-sourced. Clutch describes itself as "an extensible platform for infrastructure management”.

in 2024, Clutch popularity seems to have stalled, Hygieia is deprecated, and the reality is that Backstage dominates the open-source IDP market. Although not a perfect metric by any means, GitHub stars show the difference in popularity of each tool.

Benefits of the open-source model for IDPs

In many ways the open-source model is perfect for building an Internal Developer Portal. IDPs are a window into all of the tools that developers use. They’re the venerable “single pane of glass”.

Developers use a lot of tools though, and the developer tool landscape is thousands of tools strong and growing. Even the Cloud Native Landscape alone has more than 1,000 tools in it’s ecosystem.

How can a single IDP integrate with and plug-in to all these tools? Well, by creating an open-source community who will help with the effort.

Huge community

This is exactly what Backstage has accomplished. The Backstage community is huge and engaged.

Benefits of the open-source model for IDPs

In many ways the open-source model is perfect for building an Internal Developer Portal. IDPs are a window into all of the tools that developers use. They’re the venerable “single pane of glass”.

Developers use a lot of tools though, and the developer tool landscape is thousands of tools strong and growing. Even the Cloud Native Landscape alone has more than 1,000 tools in it’s ecosystem.

How can a single IDP integrate with and plug-in to all these tools? Well, by creating an open-source community who will help with the effort.

Huge community

This is exactly what Backstage has accomplished. The Backstage community is huge and engaged.

  • Backstage was the top end-user contributed CNCF project of 2023, with more than 4,000 contributions from end user companies.
  • There are 17,000 people in the Backstage Discord channel, with dozens and dozens of questions being asked or answered every day.
  • Backstage has a deep partner ecosystem. Whether you’re a Fortune 50 enterprise or a Series C startup, there’s a partner who can help you deploy and use Backstage.
  • Backstage has official support from leading DevTools companies. Companies like Snyk, PagerDuty, Dynatrace and even AWS have released officially supported plugins for Backstage.

This vibrant community means that you can always get help with Backstage. The other benefit is the extensibility and the number of integrations available.

Huge number of integrations

The result of this large community is that Backstage is installed and adopted at thousands of organizations. These organizations use a diverse set of engineering tools, and many adopters have built and open-sourced Backstage plugins for these tools.

The Backstage plugins directory has more than 200 plugins available, so you can be fairly confident that there are plugins available for the tools you use.

Highly extensible

Underlying all these plugins is a framework which is designed from the ground up to be maximally extensible. The docs say:

Backstage is a single-page application composed of a set of plugins.

Our goal for the plugin ecosystem is that the definition of a plugin is flexible enough to allow you to expose pretty much any kind of infrastructure or software development tool as a plugin in Backstage.

Practically, this means you can customize and extend your Backstage install to your specific requirements. If you need to build your catalog in Gerrit rather than GitHub, then you can swap out the GitHub integrations and replace them. The same concept applies to most parts of Backstage.

By coupling this technical extensibility with a permissive Apache 2.0 license and a mature governance model, adopters can make wholesale changes to Backstage if they like.

The result is that many organizations have customized Backstage heavily. Take a look at this screenshot of Sunrise, the Backstage-based IDP that Zalando created, as an example.


This completely custom UI shows the progress of changes as they flow through CICD on their way to production. Very little of what you see here comes out of the box with Backstage. Instead, it’s wired together from the basic building blocks of Backstage plugins.

Lack of vendor lock-in

Because Backstage is open-sourced and backed by large end user companies and the CNCF, adopters can feel comfortable that it will be around for a long time, and will continue to meet their needs into the future.

The IDP market is still very early. The majority of the players have been founded in the past 5 years. We will likely see some consolidation of this market as players get acquired and wound down. Any customers of these companies will be forced to migrate to a different solution.

We’ve seen this play out in the CICD market already. There was a time when Travis CI was a dominant provider of continuous integration. In 2019, Travis CI was acquired by private-equity firm Idera. One month later, layoffs began. In early 2020, Travis CI stopped providing free support for open-source products, and in late 2020 the pricing changes began.

Companies can avoid this fate in the IDP market by building on an open-source project instead of a commercial vendor with it’s own data model and lock-in.

Drawbacks of the open-source model of IDPs

It’s expensive to build

Backstage is a larger undertaking than most people realize before they get into it. To quote Gartner in their Innovation Insight for Internal Developer Portals report:

Gartner inquiries indicate that Backstage implementations may require substantial effort in standing up the service.

In order to replicate something approaching the Sunrise portal mentioned above, companies should expect to allocate 2 to 5 engineers to the project for a number of years.

Don’t believe me? Zalando said it themselves in this presentation they did at the Autodesk Developer Productivity Summit.

All that I’ve showed you was done through the contributions of many teams, but the core team was three engineers and a engineering manager.

That team has been working on Sunrise since 2020.

And that’s where my team is focussed on, actually like, the discovery part of our application landscape, and where we actually decided to, a few years ago in the beginning of the Backstage era in 2020 when Backstage was released, to actually onboard ourselves into Backstage.

Let’s do the math. Assume an engineer or engineering manager costs $250k per year, therefore the team of 4 costs $1 million per year. 4 years have passed since 2020, so they’ve spent $4 million in total on their core Backstage team. Add in the “contributions of many teams” and we could easily be talking about a $6 million outlay.

Now you’re probably saying “yeah but we’re not as big as Zalando”, but trust me, even small companies will spend a half a million dollars pretty easily.

It requires uncommon skills

Backstage is typically owned and managed by platform teams or DevOps teams. These teams are probably skilled in YAML and kubernetes-native languages like Go.

Backstage is written in TypeScript. The backend runs on NodeJS, and the frontend is written in React.

Organizations who are considering self-hosted Backstage should consider whether or not they have the skills to develop in these languages. As mentioned above, Backstage is a set of libraries that users combine together to make a developer portal. That means you need to write TypeScript to make use of it. You need to understand frontend development, HTML and CSS to customize it. It may not make sene make sense to build up these skills in a Platform and Infrastructure organization because they will not be easily transferrable to other projects.

The second set of uncommon skills that a Backstage deployment needs are project management and developer relations. Once it’s live, you need to evangelize it. You have to go out to the rest of the organization and teach them about it and how to use it. Are your platform developers really going to want to do this work?

It’s got a long time to value

The typical Backstage rollout has a few phases. It starts with an initial deployment, which typically takes a few months to get a basic Backstage instance into production. Some parts of Backstage will work straight out of the box at this point. You’ll be able to use the scaffolder to create new software projects from predefined templates, for example.

Other parts of Backstage require an adoption phase. The software catalog is usually one of them. In order to have a complete software catalog, teams must first put their software into it.

In 2023, at BackstageCon North America, I spoke to the experiences of some Backstage adopters who had attempted this feat. I first explained that 60% of the Backstage adopters I had interviewed were attempting to populate their catalog by writing YAML files that contain metadata about their services (these are called catalog-info.yaml files).


I then shared some quotes from adopters who had followed this path

The catalog never really worked for us. We struggled with adoption and rate limiting. Half the info in the catalog was wrong when they first pushed adoption.
2,000 engineers, 2 years experience

The thing we struggled with the most was getting teams to create the YAML file. We spent 6 months actively encouraging teams to register their components with Backstage. After 1 year, only 30 or 40% of the active repos were there.
120 engineers, 1 year experience

Without a lot of product development and project management, this catalog population process takes a long time. There are many Backstage adopters who are at less than 50% catalog completeness after two years with the tool. Even Spotify admit that Backstage adoption rate often stagnates at 10%. You may have dreams of your software catalog becoming a single pane of glass for all of the software development in your organization, but it simply cannot fulfill its purpose if the software is not in there.


At the other end of the spectrum, there are a number of proprietary developer portals like Cortex and Port.

The concept of proprietary developer portals is largely the same as Backstage. They have similar features and target a similar user in the engineering organization. The main differences are in their extensibility. Users can’t edit the code of a proprietary developer portal, and there won’t be a large community who are producing open-source plugins.

Benefits of the proprietary model for IDPs

While a proprietary developer portal may never be as extensible as Backstage, they certainly do have some benefits.

Quicker to get started

Proprietary IDPs will mostly just work out of the box. You don’t have to plan sprints and do research and write code to get some value. They come with admin interfaces where you can set some properties, connect up your tools, and starting using the product straight away. This is likely a better experience for platform engineers who don’t have the time or expertise to deploy and customize Backstage from scratch.

When you do need to configure something, the documentation provided by a proprietary developer portal will likely be more comprehensive and up to date. They’re simply more motivated and able to produce high quality documentation than an open-source community. This makes setup faster and less confusing, and helps to prevent misconfigurations.

User-friendly interface

Proprietary IDPs bring their own user interface (UI). They’re developed from the ground up with design systems in place to help to ensure consistency across integrations and pages. They also have designers and UI engineers working to implement design practices in a coherent way.

While the Backstage core team have done a lot to put the tool in a good place, the reality is that Backstage’s default interface leaves a lot to be desired.


This reality is brought on by the combination of overly familiar Material UI libraries and community contributed code that can be hit-or-miss in terms of how it looks and feels.

Backstages plugins can be contributed by anyone, so there’s no guarantee that they will look good, or look consistent. It’s very likely that different plugins will work completely differently even though they are installed in the same Backstage instance.

More guidance

Proprietary IDPs are more opinionated in how they should be used. When you work with a vendor you should get access to solutions engineering and customer success resources who can help to share lessons from other customers.

Working with the open source can sometimes feel like being handed a box of car parts and asked to build a car. Sure you can figure it out eventually, but you’re going to make mistakes along the way, and it probably won’t be the most efficient path.

Having a partner to work alongside and share lessons is worth a lot, and helps to cut the time to value for your IDP project.

Drawbacks of the proprietary model for IDPs

Vendor lock-in

Proprietary IDPs have their own in-house APIs, their own data model, and their own way of doing things. Many of the options on the market are early stage startups. There’s a good chance some of them will disappear over the next few years. If you’re a customer, your IDP will go with them.

When they do survive, you’ll likely be forced to choose between paying up for price hikes, or completing an expensive migration project to a different solution.

Limited extensibility

It’s not possible to change the code of a proprietary IDP. If there’s something about the way it works that doesn’t suit the needs of your company, your best hope is to contact support and hope that they have the desire and the roadmap space to change it.

Most development organizations have some homegrown tools that have sprung up over the years internally. These tools only exist inside the company they were created, and no IDP vendor will have an out-of-the box integration for them. For these tools, you need to create your own plugins if you wish them to be part of your single pane of glass IDP. Some proprietary IDPs do support custom plugin development, but you’ll need to do so using only the concepts and libraries that the vendor provides, and the plugins you create will not be transferrable to any other solution.

Proprietary IDPs have fewer integrations than the massive Backstage community. Even the most well funded proprietary vendor has 48 plugins listed on their integrations page, less than a quarter of the number that are available for Backstage. No matter how big this vendor grows their team, they won’t be able to compete with the 500+ companies who have contributed to Backstage.

Limited speed of execution

The tech landscape is constantly shifting and evolving. Before serverless we had Kubernetes, before Kubernetes we had virtualization, before virtualization we had bare metal. In between and around these major platform shifts we had and continue to have a massive number of different types of serverless, containerization and virtualization options.

A developer portal is supposed to wrap all of these shifts and technologies in order to give the best possible coverage over your internal engineering landscape. Proprietary IDPs may struggle to capture all of these technology shifts into the future, leading to gaps in the portal that platform teams put in front of their internal users.


Last, but not least, we have the Hybrid model. This model takes an open-source foundation with hundreds of plugins and integrations available, and makes it available in an out-of-the-box format which is easy to get started with.

This is what Roadie is. It’s the only standalone IDP based on Backstage, and it offers the best of both worlds - extensibility and speed of execution.

Huge number of integrations

The vast majority of plugins that have been created for Backstage can work on Roadie. Our integrations library contains 70+ plugins and integrations today, and we’re adding more all the time, in line with customer requests. Once a new open-source plugin is created, it takes us about a day to make it available in Roadie.

The only reason we wouldn’t add a Backstage plugin are that it’s of such low quality that it doesn’t work or provide any value.

This means that Roadie customers can effectively choose from 200+ plugins and integrations that the Backstage community has created and use them on our platform. In fact, we’ve created some of the most popular plugins ourselves and open-sourced them.

Highly extensible

Roadie strives to support as much customization of our IDP as possible. In addition to theming and branding, we support a custom data model, custom Backstage plugins, custom proxies, layouts, scaffolder actions and on and on. You name it, we can probably let you customize it.

This means that you can customize Roadie to meet the specifics of your organization, improving adoption and facilitating ease of use.

No vendor lock-in

Roadie is API compatible with Backstage. The same software metadata schema that works on Backstage will work on Roadie. Custom frontend plugins written for Backstage will also work on Roadie. We’re just supporting and extending the same APIs.

This has two benefits for customers.

  1. They can migrate off self-hosted Backstage onto Roadie very easily. Numerous organizations have already done this. Simply connect us to your source code management tool and we’ll automatically ingest any software metadata files you’ve created.
  2. They can migrate back to self-hosted Backstage very easily. In fact, our Terms of Service dictate that we will give you your data back within 30 days of termination.

User friendly interface

Roadie’s interface is vastly improved compared to the barebones Backstage experience. We’ve worked with our users to streamline how people use the product. This means better out of the box defaults and easier customization.



In many cases, Roadie is 5 times cheaper than self-hosting Backstage.

People tend not to realize this up front, but the most highly developed Backstage deployments in the world have cost millions of dollars. We talk to companies all the time who have built a team of 5+ engineers around Backstage and run those teams for 3+ years. The most expensive Backstage deployment we’ve seen cost $7.5 million dollars over 3 years.

Roadie doesn’t require such an extensive team to be built around it. We take away all of the operations and deployment effort, and much of the customer support that has to happen. We also give you out-of-the box features like Scorecards and Role-Based-Access-Control that you would otherwise have to build yourself to realize the potential of your IDP.

Lastly, we charge based on usage. You only pay for the engineers who write code which is tracked in the catalog. Everyone else gets to log in for free. This means you can ramp gradually throughout your org, rather than paying for the developement of the entire IDP up front.

Requires few skills

Roadie doesn’t require any TypeScript skills. You just drag and drop plugins where you want them, and configure the product in our administration panels. It’s dead simple. This is perfect for platform teams who are trained on cloud-native technologies. We even have no-code plugins that you can use to display lists or charts inside the UI without writing any code.

If you do need to make something completely custom and you don’t want to write a Backstge plugin yourself, we can sort you out with professional services to suit your needs.

Short time to value

We’ve built a ton of features into Roadie to help shorten the time to value. For example, we help teams build out their catalog quickly and we see customers reaching a high level of catalog completeness within 4 months.

We also provide customer success and guidance to help organizations effect change with their IDP. We take the lessons we’ve learned over the years and use them to guide you to success in as short a time as possible.


We’ve designed Roadie from the ground up with flexibility and easy adoption in mind. We believe engineering organizations should not waste their resources on undifferentiated heavy lifting projects like deploying an open-source IDP. At the same time, they shouldn’t be locked into a proprietary data model or limited in terms of what they can build or the integrations that are available.

It turns out that you can have your cake and eat it too. An Internal Developer Portal can be both easy to use and supported by a massive and growing open-source community. This means that you can focus on unlocking productivity in your engineering organization while knowing you have a rock-solid and flexible foundation beneath.


I’ve also written about the difference between IDPs and the IDP space in general over on The New Stack

Image by MSTORK from Pixabay

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