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robert johns
robert johns

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5 Top Angularjs Development tools for Developers in 2022

Angular is considered among the popular frameworks among all developers who want to build cross-platform applications. It is an open-source framework that is known for its single-page web application development. In the world of developing a web page, Angular is considered a boon for all developers. Nowadays the majority of Angularjs development company are prioritising the latest features of angular as the demand for angular-based web applications is increasing a lot.

Angular developers need to have in-depth knowledge of HTML, CSS, and javascript to start working on any projects. Designing codes without any supporting tools can be a difficult task for developers. Being an Angularjs developer you find a range of development tools that can be used to make work lighter.

Here we will be talking about some of the best and most unexplored Angularjs development tools you can consider.

Top Angularjs Development tools for developers:

1. Karma:

It is a testing automation and quality assistant tool famous for javascript which is developed by the angular team at Google. As we know testing is an important part of the development process and no product can be launched without any kind of testing, therefore, karma is the latest tool to test AngularJS-based applications. This tool is the best testing tool for all javascript-based applications.

2.Sublime text:

It is the best online text editor tool for all angular js developers. In terms of features, it serves a wide range of add-ons for various applications and also serves customized solutions to work efficiently on projects and easily can switch among files. GoTo Definition, multiple selections, GoTo Anything, and CSS sorting are a few of its capabilities.

This is among the top development tool developers from top Angularjs development company seeks for. It supports mentions and macros widgets. Also, it is Jquery independent which provides flexibility to the developers while development. Thus for any component and any fixed content data applying is a feasible solution for all.

4. Videogular:

The HTML5-based video playing capabilities of the Videogular AngularJS project can result in a simple-to-implement video player for your design. It easily accommodates AngularJS with videos and other multimedia components in your app.

5. Webstorm:

It is among the top angularjs development tools which offer multiple coding and debugging options to programmers along with error-detecting features too. Webstorm is an angular live editorial manager which includes HTML, CSS, and Node.js. Along with that, it offers pre-installed modules or packages such as Git, Dart, etc.


Thus we can say that now designing a feature-rich and robust angular-based application is not only a dream but can happen in reality too. There are various top Angularjs development company that focuses on developers who are well equipped with the latest Angularjs tools. With the above-mentioned tools, businesses can develop the latest automated applications in no less time.

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