Notes:The Java application use in this project is clone from this github.
Project Architecture:
Kubernetes Cluster Architecture:
Project Overview:
Workflow Structure: The project utilizes two GitHub workflows or
pipelines: one dedicated to the development/test environment and the
other to the production environment.-
Development/Test Pipeline:
- This pipeline is triggered by pull requests to the main branch.
- It executes the following steps:
- Running tests using Maven.
- Performing additional code analysis using SonarQube.
- Building a Docker image for the test environment.
- Pushing the Docker image to DockerHub.
- Deploying the Docker image to the test environment.
Production Pipeline:
- This pipeline is triggered by merges or pushes to the main branch.
- It includes a manual approval step.
- Upon approval, the pipeline:
- Builds and pushes the production Docker image with prod tag.
- Deploy the production image to the production environment.
Branch Protection: Direct pushes to the main branch are prohibited
to maintain code integrity and ensure changes go through the proper
Team Structure:
- The project team consists of three members:
- Dev01: Responsible for updating the code by initiating pull requests.
- Dev02:Authorized to review and merge code changes.
- Dev03: Responsible for granting manual approval in the CI/CD production pipeline.
- The project team consists of three members:
Test Environment
Hosted on a single server running Docker Engine.
Infrastructure provided by Digital Ocean.
7.Production Environment:
- Utilizes a Kubernetes cluster.
- Infrastructure provided by Digital Ocean.
Project Flow of Execution:
1. Create 3 github Users:
robudex17 - Dev01:
- Role: Initiates pull requests.
- Responsibilities: Updating code and initiating pull requests for review.
robudexIT - Dev02:
- Role: Responsible for merging and pushing changes to the main branch.
- Responsibilities: Reviews pull requests and merges approved changes into the main branch.
robudex2023 - Dev03:
- Role: Responsible for approving or rejecting changes in the production workflow.
- Responsibilities: Manually approves changes in the CI/CD production pipeline or requests adjustments if necessary.
Then I clone
java webapps project, create DockerFile and Kubernetes manifiests
and push it to my Dev02 users.
Current project tree. Shown below:
2. On the test server, I created the latest MySQL Docker container and restored the database of the project using these
cd /root
git clone
mkdir /root/mysqldb
docker run --name shopping-cart-db -v /root/mysqldb:/var/lib/mysql
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password123 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=shopping-cart -
d mysql:latest
docker exec -i shopping-cart-db sh -c 'exec mysql -uroot -
ppassword123 shopping-cart' <
Then, verify if the database was properly restored using the following commands:
docker exec -it shopping-cart-db bash
mysql -uroot -ppassword123
show databases;
use shopping-cart;
show tables;
Figure shown that database is successfully Added:
3. On My Kubernetes Cluster I Create Mysql Deployment and Service
Note: I will utilize one of my Kubernetes nodes' storage in a
PersistentVolume, ensuring that MySQL deploys on that node. This will be
achieved by adding a label to the node and using this label in the
deployment. Here are the commands:
kubectl get nodes
kubectl label nodes mynode-pool-o6fg9 nodetype=database
kubectl get node mynode-pool-o6fg9 --show-labels
I like the separation between the app and the database so I created
kubectl create namespace database-namespace
kubectl create namespace app-namespace
Clone git_ and
Navigate (cd) to s*hopping-cart/kubernetes/database* and run the command in
kubectl apply -f storage-class.yaml -n database-namespace
kubectl apply -f shopping-cart-pv.yaml -n database-namespace
kubectl apply -f shopping-cart-pvc.yaml -n database-namespace
kubectl apply -f shopping-cart-db-deploment.yaml -n database-
kubectl apply -f shopping-cart-db-service.yaml -n database-
Verify Kubernetes Objects
kubectl get namespace
kubectl get sc -n database-namespace
kubectl get pv -n database-namespace
kubectl get pvc -n database-namespace
kubectl get deployment -n database-namespace
kubectl get service -n database-namespace
kubectl get pods -n database-namespace
4. Restore shopping-cart database to shopping-cart-mysql pod with commands
kubectl get pods -n database-namespace
kubectl cp shopping_cart/databases/mysql_query.sql shopping-cart-mysql-5b666ff5b5-994pm:/tmp --namespace database-namespace
kubectl exec -it shopping-cart-mysql-5b666ff5b5-994pm -n database-namespace -- bash -c 'mysql -u root -ppassword123 shopping-cart < /tmp/mysql_query.sql'
kubectl exec -it shopping-cart-mysql-5b666ff5b5-994pm -n database-namespace – bash
mysql -uroot -ppassword123
show databases;
use shopping-cart;
show tables;
5. Now that the MySQL databases are installed on the test server and in the** Kubernetes cluster*, it's time to set up the DockerHub repository, **SonarQube* (organization, project, quality gates and token).
Sonarqube Organization and Project:
Quality Gates have been added with the name "shop_cart_gate". I have configured it to be less restrictive setting coverage to 0.0% and duplicated lines to 10.0%. Please note that this configuration is not recommended and is solely for demonstration purposes.
Add Token:
6. Configure repository settings by adding production environment, secrets, and GitHub workflows/pipelines
Add Dev01 and Dev03 as Collaborators:
Next, add the secrets and production environment variables. Navigate to Settings -> Security -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions.
These are secrets that I added:
DB_TEST_IP - mysql docker container IP Address running on Test Server.
You can get docker containter ip address by (docker inspect /container-id)
DB_TEST_PWD - mysql docker container password running on Test Server
DB_TEST_USERNAME - mysql docker container root user running on Test Server
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME – dockerhub username
DOCKERHUB_TOKEN – dockerhub password
KUBE_CONFIG – kubernetes cluster configuration you can get this in .kube/config
SONAR_ORGANIZATION – your sonarqube organization on this project
SONAR_PROJECT_KEY – your sonarqube project key
SONAR_TOKEN - your sonarqube token
SONAR_URL – sonarqube url (
TEST_HOST_IP **– IP address of the Test Server
**TEST_HOST_PORT – Test Server SSH port
TEST_HOST_PRIVATE_KEY - Test Server Private Key
You can generate the key using ssh-keygen.
TEST_HOST_USER – Test Server User (root)
Create the Production Environment and add Dev03 as a reviewer. The Production pipeline will not run without Dev03's approval.
Production Environment Secrets
DB_PROD_IP – mysql Pod IP address in kubernets cluster
DB_PROD_USERNAME – mysql Pod username in kubernetes cluster
DB_PROD_PWD– mysql Pod password in kubernetes cluster
Creating Test/Dev Pipelines:
Now that all secrets and environments are set up, it's time to create pipelines.
On my Dev02 shopping_cart repository, I click on Actions and create a new blank workflow named shopping_cart_cicd.yml.
name: Shopping Cart Action
on: workflow_dispatch #manual trigger
# on:
# pull_request:
# branches: main
issues: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest #this runner has install maven by default
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Maven Test
run: mvn test
- name: Maven Checkstyle
run: mvn checkstyle:checkstyle
- name: Install Java 11
uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '11'
- name: Setup SonarQube
uses: warchant/setup-sonar-scanner@v7
- name: SonarQube Scan
run: sonar-scanner${{ secrets.SONAR_URL }}
-Dsonar.token=${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
-Dsonar.organization=${{ secrets.SONAR_ORGANIZATION }}
-Dsonar.projectKey=${{ secrets.SONAR_PROJECT_KEY }}
- name: SonarQube Quality Gate Check
id: sonarqube-quality-gate-check
uses: sonarsource/sonarqube-quality-gate-action@master
timeout-minutes: 5
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: TestingCode
DOCKER_REPO: shopping-cart
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Update file
DB_TEST_IP: ${{ secrets.DB_TEST_IP }}
DB_TEST_PWD: ${{ secrets.DB_TEST_PWD }}
run: |
sed -i "s|db.connectionString =.*|db.connectionString = jdbc:mysql://$DB_TEST_IP:3306/shopping-cart|" src/
sed -i "s|db.username =.*|db.username = $DB_TEST_USERNAME|" src/
sed -i "s|db.password =.*|db.password = $DB_TEST_PWD|" src/
- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Build and Push docker image to Dockerhub
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ./
push: true
tags: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/${{env.DOCKER_REPO}}:test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: BuildAndPushForTesting
DOCKER_REPO: shopping-cart
APP: shopping-cart-app
APP_PORT: 8081
- name: Execute SSH commmands on remote server
uses: JimCronqvist/action-ssh@master
hosts: ${{ secrets.TEST_HOST_USER }}@${{secrets.TEST_HOST_IP}}
privateKey: ${{ secrets.TEST_HOST_PRIVATE_KEY }}
command: |
docker stop ${{env.APP}}
sleep 2
docker pull ${{env.DOCKER_USER }}/${{env.DOCKER_REPO}}:test
sleep 2
docker run --name ${{env.APP}} -d --rm -p ${{env.APP_PORT}}:8080 ${{env.DOCKER_USER }}/${{env.DOCKER_REPO}}:test
Creating Production Pipelines:On My Dev02 shopping_cart repo, I created new blank workflow name it shopping_cart_cicd_production.yml
name: Shopping Cart Action Production
on: workflow_dispatch #manual trigger
# on:
# push:
# branches: main
issues: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: production
DOCKER_REPO: shopping-cart
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Update file
DB_PROD_IP: ${{ secrets.DB_PROD_IP }}
DB_PROD_PWD: ${{ secrets.DB_PROD_PWD }}
run: |
sed -i "s|db.connectionString =.*|db.connectionString = jdbc:mysql://$DB_PROD_IP:3306/shopping-cart|" src/
sed -i "s|db.username =.*|db.username = $DB_PROD_USERNAME|" src/
sed -i "s|db.password =.*|db.password = $DB_PROD_PWD|" src/
- name: Login to Docker Hub
uses: docker/login-action@v3
username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
- name: Build and Push docker image to Dockerhub
uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
context: ./
push: true
tags: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/${{env.DOCKER_REPO}}:prod
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: BuildAndPushForProduction
- name: Code Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Kubernetes Configuration
uses: tale/kubectl-action@v1
base64-kube-config: ${{ secrets.KUBE_CONFIG }}
- name: Check for existing deployment
run: |
if kubectl get deployment shopping-cart-java-app -n app-namespace >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Deployment exists, rolling out update"
kubectl rollout restart deployment shopping-cart-java-app -n app-namespace
echo "Deployment not found, applying new resources"
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/application/shopping-cart-app-deployment.yaml -n app-namespace
As you notice, I temporarily set the two pipelines to manual trigger (workflow_dispatch) to avoid running the pipeline because it is not ready yet.
Create branch rules for the main branch by navigating to Settings -> Branches. Check the option as seen below:
On Settings-> General-> Pull Requests
7. Now that everything is set up, it's time to proceed with testing.
On Dev01-> I Update shopping_cart_cicd.yml from workflow_dispatch to pull_request
As you can see, it is not possible to directly push changes to the main branch. Please click 'Propose changes', add a description, and create a pull request.
Goto Dev02 Account and check the Pull Request and Approved it
Go to Actions and verify that the shopping_cart_cicd has executed successfully.
Paste Test Server Public Ip and 8081 port
After ensuring the successful deployment on the Test Env, it's time to merge the changes into the main branch. To do so,** Dev02** should navigate to the Pull Requests section, select the relevant pull request, and opt for the "Squash and Merge" option. This action condenses all commits from the feature branch into a single commit before merging them into the main branch.
Notice that the change to .github/workflows/shopping_cart_cicd.yml has been merged into the main branch.
Now it's time to update the .github/workflows/shopping_cart_cici_production.yaml as well, changing 'workflow_dispatch' to 'push'. On Dev01, modify the file and create a pull request. Then, approve the pull request on the Dev02 account.
Note that the shopping_cart_cicd pipeline executes because another pull request has been initiated. Please wait for the pipeline execution to finish before merging **it into the **main branch.
Now because there is a merge or a push in the main branch production pipeline execute
Click the workflow and notice it requires approval
Given that I've configured Dev03 to solely approve or reject the pipeline execution, it won't initiate or conclude without Dev03's approval. Please proceed to Dev03 and provide approval.
Production pipeline Start executing...
Production pipeline Done.. Check Kubernetes cluster
Paste the EXTERNAL-IP to Browser
The production environment in the Kubernetes cluster is operational. Now, it's time to implement some code changes, create a pull request, merge it into the main branch, and ultimately, approve the production pipeline.
The flow will start in..
Dev01 --> make code change then make pull request
Dev02 ** --> Approve the pull request and then merge to main
**Dev03 --> Approve the production pipeline execution.
Since I am not a Java developer, I will only change the header background color to purple in the WebContent/header.jsp file."
Now, let's check our SonarQube account. Under 'Your Organization,' click on the 'shop-cart' project, then click on the 'Pull Request' tab, and see that the result has passed.
Let's adjust the Quality Gate and rerun the Test Pipeline. (Note that we expect the execution to fail this time.)
Click on the latest workflow of the TEST Pipeline and rerun all jobs.
And indeed the pipeline fails.
On SonarQube:
Let's revert the SonarQube metrics for 'sonar_cart_gate' to be less restrictive again and rerun the Test Pipeline to ensure it passes once more
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