DEV Community

Rocky LIU Yan
Rocky LIU Yan

Posted on

Easy to Dev a Gpts Chat APP with hono bun htmx

Image description

htmx -> http --> hono --> gpt

code here:

This is a chat application that allows users to interact with multi AIs through a simple and intuitive interface. There is also a human channel chat feature that needs a bug fix. You might consider switching to Tailwind CSS for styling. This repository is intended for learning purposes only.

Thanks for open source with htmx hono bun mitata openai cherry-markdown

Directory Structure
The project directory is organized as follows:

index.html: Main HTML file for the application. have htmx and js logic.
index.tsx: Entry point of the application, core server logic.
GptChat.tsx: Component for the GPT chat interface.
models.tsx: Configuration for the AI models.
benmarking.tsx: Benchmarking scripts for performance testing gpt models.
HumanChat.tsx: Component for human-to-human chat interface. have bug

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