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Roelof Jan Elsinga
Roelof Jan Elsinga

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Getting a 73% increase in clicks from Google results

Google search console for Plant care for beginners

Getting a 73% increase in clicks from Google results

Two weeks ago I published a post about my own implementation of technical SEO for a project of mine, called: Technical SEO: How to add structured data to your website. This was the header image of that post:

Original Google search console for Plant care for beginners

That was an actual screenshot of the numbers in the Google Search console for one of my projects over the last 3 months at that time. Since implementing Structured Data on that website 3 weeks ago, I've noticed that I was getting a lot more clicks. This is what it looks like right now, keep in mind, this is a difference of 3 weeks:

New Google search console for Plant care for beginners

That by itself is an increase of 73.28% of clicks on Google. Now the interesting part: Adding structured data, in particular FAQ items, shows a huge increase in clicks for that same time frame. From 0 to 1.8k in 2-3 weeks:

FAQ rich results in Google Search Console

Those are the numbers for "Search appearance: FAQ rich results". That same timespan, since initially implementing FAQ structured data into the website, I've got an additional 1.8K clicks. Helping Google understand your website better and providing answers to FAQs directly in the search results works. At least, in my case, it works. Here's a screenshot of one of those results, including FAQs in Google.

Google search results for FAQ items

This is not to say that this will have the same impact on your websites because your site might have a lot of clicks already and getting a 73% increase is just not possible. It could be that you have a lot of competition for certain keywords, again this will slow down the number of extra clicks you're getting. This website is located in a niche, but it doesn't take away what a huge impact adding structured data, in particular FAQ items, had on the SEO results.

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