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Roman Rezinkin
Roman Rezinkin

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DPS909 - Release 0.4 Week 3 - Final Update


Well, as we approach the end of the semester, here I am with my final blog post. For this week, I focused on finishing my Release 0.4. As my previous blog posted mentioned that for week 3, I would continue my work on Issue-605. Since my first part of release 0.4 was working on introducing a Legend into the same repository (on top of reformatting and fixing a lot of the page that the legend lived in), I picked up issue-605. There were a few enhancements that were in need of changes, which included removing a footer bar which lives right below the email subscription input fields. The second issue was regarding the color of the subscribe button in the hover stage.
Image for reference:
Footer IssueFooter Issue
Hover Color IssueHover Color Issue

Fixing the Footer

The footer was a rather simple fix, although it took me quite a bit of digging to discover where it lived within the repository.
After using the Chrome Inspect Tools, I was able to identify where the footer CSS location was, and made my fix:
Footer Fix

That was rather simple, but I think the final product looks a lot better than the original:
Footer Fix 2
PR Link

Fixing the Hover Color

The next fix that I needed to address was the color of the hover. Just as I did for the footer steps, I used the Chrome Inspector to find the CSS file that I needed to modify, in order to get the appropriate color. Once I found it, I noticed that it was using a SCSS format variable, to get the color of the hover, so instead of using that variable, I used a color picker, and found the color of the actual footer. This was a value of #222, and I decided that it is better to have consistency in color, so I went ahead and used that color.
Hover Fix
PR Hover Fix

As you can see, the color of the subscribe button is the same color as the footer when the user hovers over it!
PR Link

Extra Fixes

Another fix that I did during the PR was actually an extra request by a commentator of the PR. PR Comment Link. The commentator requested that I fix a small issue where the input fields were not correctly aligning in mobile view, So I went ahead and made the change. This took a little investigating too because I had to use the Mobile View that Chrome Inspector lets you use, and see at which point the field became misaligned. I was able to make the fix with a simple padding addition to the left.
Fix: Extra Fix
And here is the result of that Fix:
Extra Fix Result

Pull Request

Here is the pull request mentioned in this blog post: PR


In conclusion, this adventure through Meshery really opened my eyes to how careful you have to be when working on a big repository. By submitting PR's, you have to expect that your initial work will not be 100% to how the developers of that open source project want it, and since this is an open source project, you have to be really open to criticism since you are a first time contributor.

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