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What's the MOST popular Go web library!?

Gorilla Mux.

Gorilla Mux (along with Websocket) is the most popular Go web library on GitHub.They collectively have 30k+ stars and 4k+ forks!



Even Go developers, who advocate doing almost everything in native Go, often admit that Gorilla Mux could be the exception.

So should you start using Gorilla Mux too!?

How does it compare with frameworks like Gin or Fiber?

Here are its pros and cons --


Lightweight (it only replaces the native HTTP router & URL matcher)Flexible (most likely it won't limit your design choices)Ease of use (simple & low learning curve)Very Go-like! (especially when compared to Fiber)


Obviously, it's not a framework, so it may not satisfy all your future needs.maybe that's it? :)

Now, of course, using a framework (like Gin or Fiber) can often kickstart your project much quicker.

Which technology would be the best fit depends on your exact use case and requirements.

Just keep in mind --

You don't have to use a full-fledged framework for every web project, even if many tend to believe so!

Gorilla Mux may just be all you need!

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