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How to create a DAO?

A short guide to the world of web 3.0

A DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) is an online community with decentralized rule enforcement. Facebook or Twitter at the core of the architecture have a third party in the form of a network regulator, which itself sets the rules of censorship, can directly initiate banning accounts and, most importantly, has access to a database of all its users.

The DAO philosophy is designed to solve two problems:

  • End the unequal rights of online community users;
  • to exclude a third party from the cash flows from advertising and direct sales of users. By logic, the beneficiary should be the average Web user (That is, in fact, the DAO is designed to destroy Facebook; I do not think that the corporation will be so easily ready to end its global dominance).

How do you create a DAO?

The process involves two steps:

  1. Forming an online community
  2. Ensuring decentralization of rights within it In other words, creating a DAO is just recognizing the decentralized distribution of rights within a group of participants.

Tools for creating a DAO:

  • Communication platform - here everything is simple, use Telegram, Discord, Twitter as the main channels for announcements and news of the community.
    • Important detail: with you can organize login to these communication platforms only if you already have a token in the community fund.
  • Membership and smart contract binding - each participant is assigned a weight of a vote in the community (a token) depending on the amount of investment in the community. If you own at least one crowdfunding token, you're a DAO member.
    • This process can be organized in two ways Either use a ready-made solution for distributing and managing tokens TryRoll or Or write your own handwritten token distribution tool on smart contracts
  • Voting tool - crowdfunding using GoFundMe as an example or you can make IDE and make hype with your DAO at cryptocurrency project aggregator. Money is allocated to those projects that are supported by a majority vote.
    • Voting is reminiscent of the work of the Swiss Parliament with referendums. You have to write a project proposal to fund a particular initiative. This is then put to a community vote. Participant token voting tools: Snapshot and Automata. (The good thing about DAO is that there will never be corruption here, as all moves are recorded in smart contracts, which cannot be cleaned up in any way)
  • DAO financial management - there are several tools for decentralized community fund management. Gnosis Safe distributes control of the fund among many different people
    • For example, a community has 10 members, and 6 of them are given the right to manage those finances.This is a community fund financial management board called Llama. And this is the Superfluid fund's full-time team payout app.

A DAO can sometimes have its own constitution, which enshrines all the principles and management tools mentioned above. Now it certainly makes more sense to you!

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