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Discussion on: AoC Day 8: Memory Maneuver

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Ryan Palo

@choroba , thanks again for putting this post up! Sorry for not getting it out on time yesterday.

I liked this challenge! Something about this one just worked out for me and I didn't have to wrestle with it very much. Also, this was my first time defining a recursive data structure in Rust, and I didn't have any issues -- hopefully I did it the right way!

Part 1

/// Day 8: Memory Maneuver
/// Build a license tree!

/// A node in a GPS Licensing tree structure
pub struct Node {
    metadata: Vec<usize>,
    children: Vec<Box<Node>>,

impl Node {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self { metadata: vec![], children: vec![] }

    /// Generates a node from a string of space-separated integers
    pub fn from_text(text: &str) -> Self {
        let data: Vec<usize> = text.split(' ').map(|num|{
        let (node, _ptr) = Node::build_child(&data, 0);

    /// Builds a child based on a strand of data and a pointer to start at.
    /// These nodes are recursive in their layout.  So, for example, 
    /// the root node has a header at the start of the string, and its
    /// metadata comes after all of the rest of the nodes in the tree
    fn build_child(data: &Vec<usize>, start: usize) -> (Node, usize) {
        let mut result = Node::new();
        let mut ptr = start;
        let children = data[ptr];
        ptr += 1;
        let metadata = data[ptr];
        ptr += 1;

        // Generate and add children
        for _i in 0..children {
            let (node, new_ptr) = Node::build_child(&data,ptr);
            ptr = new_ptr;

        ptr += metadata;

        (result, ptr)

    /// Calculate the recurive total of all the metadata here and below
    pub fn metadata_total(&self) -> usize {
        let my_metadata: usize = self.metadata.iter().sum();
        let children_total: usize = self.children.iter()
            .map(|child| child.metadata_total()).sum();
        my_metadata + children_total

Part 2

For part 2, I didn't have to change the data structure at all, I just created the value function to describe how the new thing was calculated.

impl Node {

    /// Calculates a node's value.
    /// Value is defined like this:
    ///  - if a node has no children, it's the sum of the metadata
    ///  - if a node *does* have children, value is defined recursively,
    ///    and each metadata is a pointer at a particular child.
    ///    This node's value is the sum of *those* nodes' values.
    ///    If a pointer is invalid, skip it.
    pub fn value(&self) -> usize {
        if self.children.is_empty() { return self.metadata.iter().sum(); }

        let mut total: usize = 0;
        for pointer in self.metadata.iter() {
            if *pointer < 1 || *pointer > self.children.len() { continue; }

            total += self.children.get(*pointer - 1)
                .expect("Couldn't get child value")