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Discussion on: Advent of Code 2019 Solution Megathread - Day 3: Crossed Wires

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Ryan Palo

Took me an extra day to clean it up so I wasn't disgusted with it. I definitely followed the Advent of Code "Brute Force until proven otherwise" approach. I considered doing it by only considering each leg of wire as two endpoints and calculating the intersections, but this was easier and more straightforward.

I also tried out Rust's type aliases to make things read a bit easier, which I'm really happy with.

Part 2 almost got me with a sneaky "Off by Two" error. I forgot to count the step off of the origin on both wires, leading me to be short by 2 on my final answer. A quick test case based on the examples provided showed I landed at 608 instead of 610 and I got suspicious.

Altogether much happier with this than I was last night. :)

/// Day 3: Crossed Wires
/// Figure out which directions wires go and where they cross

use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::fs;
use std::ops::Add;

/// A coordinate is a 2D location (or Vector change!) with X and Y components
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone)]
struct Coordinate {
    x: isize,
    y: isize,

/// You can Add Coordinates together with + to get a new one
impl Add for Coordinate {
    type Output = Self;

    fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self {
        Self {
            x: self.x + other.x,
            y: self.y + other.y,

impl Coordinate {
    pub fn new(x: isize, y: isize) -> Self {
        Self {x, y}

/// A Wire is a chain of coordinates that are electrically connected
type Wire = Vec<Coordinate>;

/// Moves are an ordered list of delta moves to make to form a wire
type Moves = Vec<Coordinate>;

/// Expects two lines of comma separated move strings, one for each wire.
/// The move strings are of the pattern [UDLR][0-9]+
///     [UDLR]: Specifies whether the wire is going up, down, left or right
///     [0-9]+: Specifies how many spaces that leg of the wire covers
/// Returns both processed wires
fn parse_input() -> (Wire, Wire) {
    let text = fs::read_to_string("data/day3.txt").unwrap();
    let lines: Vec<&str> = text.split("\n").collect();
    let mut wires = lines.into_iter().map(build_moves).map(make_wire);

/// Builds a list of Moves out of an input comma separated string as described
/// above.
fn build_moves(text_moves: &str) -> Moves {
    let mut results: Vec<Coordinate> = Vec::new();

    for step in text_moves.split(",") {
        let (direction, count_text) = step.split_at(1);
        let count: usize = count_text.parse().unwrap();
        let move_coord = if direction == "U" {
            Coordinate::new(0, 1)
        } else if direction == "D" {
            Coordinate::new(0, -1)
        } else if direction == "L" {
            Coordinate::new(-1, 0)
        } else if direction == "R" {
            Coordinate::new(1, 0)
        } else {
            panic!("Weird step {}", direction);

        for _ in 0..count {


/// Build a Wire out of relative Moves
fn make_wire(moves: Moves) -> Wire {
    let mut current = Coordinate { x: 0, y: 0 };
    let mut results: Wire = Vec::new();

    for step in moves {
        current = step + current;


/// Calculate a Coordinate's absolute distance from the origin
fn origin_manhattan_distance(coord: &Coordinate) -> usize {
    (coord.x.abs() + coord.y.abs()) as usize

/// Given two Wires, find the location where they cross that is closest to the
/// origin (which is where both wires start, and doesn't count as a cross)
fn find_closest_cross(a: &Wire, b: &Wire) -> Coordinate {
    let a_set: HashSet<&Coordinate> = HashSet::from_iter(a.iter());
    let b_set: HashSet<&Coordinate> = HashSet::from_iter(b.iter());
    **a_set.intersection(&b_set).min_by_key(|c| origin_manhattan_distance(c)).unwrap()

/// Find the first occurrence of a Coordinate in a Wire (index-wise, but 1-based)
fn find_in_wire(wire: &Wire, target: &Coordinate) -> usize {
    wire.iter().position(|e| e == target).unwrap() + 1

/// Find the shortest distance you can travel on each wire (summed) before you
/// hit a cross.
fn shortest_cross_distance(a: &Wire, b: &Wire) -> usize {
    let a_set: HashSet<&Coordinate> = HashSet::from_iter(a.iter());
    let b_set: HashSet<&Coordinate> = HashSet::from_iter(b.iter());
    a_set.intersection(&b_set).map(|c| find_in_wire(a, c) + find_in_wire(b, c)).min().unwrap()

/// Main Day 3 logic to solve the puzzles
pub fn run() {
    let (a, b) = parse_input();
    let closest_cross = find_closest_cross(&a, &b);
    println!("Closest cross distance is {}", origin_manhattan_distance(&closest_cross));
    println!("Fewest combined steps: {}", shortest_cross_distance(&a, &b));