DEV Community

Discussion on: Why Webscript?

rsweetland profile image
Reilly Sweetland

Awesome, Nick.

JSX and Webscript both seem to bridge the JS / HTML divide, but from opposite ends of the spectrum. Webscript is nice because there is no building. It's a direct path into the "mind of the browser".

Have you considered adding a TypeScript? (Or maybe you already have and I overlooked it?) This comes at a cost of introducing build tools, but adds type checking, IDE hinting and security. I think it would be more readable than JSX + TS and might be attractive to the growing TypeScript community.

If you are going pure JS with no build tools, adding a type definition only might an interesting middle ground.

Just some ideas.

When I was learning JS, DOM, etc it was a while before I realized that HTML and JS were (from the browser's perspective) the same thing. I think this is the case with many others. Maybe Webscript can help make that clearer.

Looking forward to seeing what's next!

mudgen profile image
Nick Mudge

Thanks Reilly for checking this out!

Originally I started with Typescript for developing Webscript. But Webscript is so small, 2kb without compression, that I find it doesn't really benefit from it and Typescript got in my way. I think adding a type definition is a good idea.

Yea, I hope Webscript helps people understand that webpages consist of the DOM, not HTML, and there is more than one way to build the DOM.