DEV Community

Discussion on: Ruby 2.7: The Pipeline Operator

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Anonymous block arguments look like instance variables even
though they are not and don't save much typing
({ |a, b| a + b } vs { @1 + @2 }).

You pick a single example and discount other examples.

I already refuted this in issue trackers, so I will refute it here too, just so that people don't singularize on these erroneous claims made by people who write clearly in the sense of how they dislike something.


array.each {|cat, dog, hare, some_strange_name_here, some_other_strange_name|

In the middle of writing code, you add:

pp dog
pp some_strange_name_here

And in these examples, it is so much easier to write:

pp @4
pp @5

Since you decided to focus on only a trivial example, I am happy to extend your example with another one.

I am getting hugely tired of people being so single-minded.

It is totally fine to dislike a change; for example, I don't like the |> pipe operator and will not use it. But I do not think it is good to be critical AND only mention what you dislike, without finding ALL possible advantages/disadvantages.

But I haven't used Ruby for any new private projects in about a
year now and looking at the recent direction the language is
taking this probably won't change any time soon.

I am writing lots of ruby and while I dislike some of the changes,
it is not as if you are forced to use any of it. Nor would this
affect the way I write code either. I am just selective in what I
use and what I don't use.

I find it strange of you to consider wanting to use ruby or not based on new features. That is already a HORRIBLE use case if you don't use the language as-is. None of the changes made me stop writing ruby code altogether - I just don't use the changes I dislike. Are you FORCED to use anything that is added?

There is only one thing I agree with - the explanation part, which is often missing or incomplete. I think it is fine to make changes; sompe people will always dislike something. It is still important to explain, in english, what is added, why and so forth - otherwise the language is a black box. Discussions at the ruby dev meeting are also summarized in english, which is good - this should be for all changes that are discussed in japanese too, because many people do not understand japanese. I don't for instance, so I depend on english.

johncarroll profile image
John Carroll

I already refuted this in issue trackers

I'll point out the obvious, you can't refute an opinion. You've just presented a counter-opinion.