Live from GitLab Commit 2019, Charles Max Wood is joined by Eddie Zaneski from Digital Ocean to talk about his talk on "Creating a CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab and Kubernetes in 20 minutes", Shamiq Islam from Coinbase to talk about his talk on "Closing the SDLC Loop- Automating Security" and Jasmine James, from Delta Air Lines on her talk " How Delta Became Cloud Native" .
Charles Max Wood
Eddie Zaneski
Shamiq Islam
Jasmine James
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"The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today!
Creating a CI/CD Pipeline with GitLab and Kubernetes in 20 minutes by Eddie Zaneski
Commit Brooklyn 2019: Closing the SDLC Loop - A Security Panel by Shamiq Islam
Commit Brooklyn 2019: How Delta Became Truly Cloud Native - Avoiding the Vendor-Lock by Jasmine James