This is a working Google SSO Cypress Test. Your mileage may vary.
describe('Login', () => {
it('Login through Google', () => {
const username = Cypress.env('googleSocialLoginUsername')
const password = Cypress.env('googleSocialLoginPassword')
const loginUrl = Cypress.env('loginUrl')
const cookieName = Cypress.env('cookieName')
const socialLoginOptions = {
username: username,
password: password,
loginUrl: loginUrl,
headless: true,
logs: false,
loginSelector: '[href=""]',
postLoginSelector: '.bg-scholarpath-500'
return cy.task('GoogleSocialLogin', socialLoginOptions).then(({cookies}) => {
const cookie = cookies.filter(cookie => === cookieName).pop()
if (cookie) {
cy.setCookie(, cookie.value, {
domain: cookie.domain,
expiry: cookie.expires,
httpOnly: cookie.httpOnly,
path: cookie.path,
preserve: cookieName
Note: the following 2 lines are critical:
loginSelector: '[href=""]',
postLoginSelector: '.bg-somestyle-500'
Make sure this url matches the url for your google auth route.
Also, postLoginSelector is a class on your "Log in with Google" button.
You will also need the following plugin:
Add the following to your plugins/index.js file:
const {GoogleSocialLogin} = require('cypress-social-logins').plugins
module.exports = (on, config) => {
on('task', {
GoogleSocialLogin: GoogleSocialLogin
That's it! Now try to run it:
npx cypress open
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