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October's End

This year's October came to an end and It would be nice to reflect on what each of us individually achieved and make new plans.

I was thinking of making such post on January, but more often than not New Year's Resolutions don't hold until the end of the year. I started Excersism's 12in23 challenge, but dropped it around March or April. This does not necesseralilly mean that I or anyone like me quits easily, but sometimes life happens. It's okay to leave something unfinished. It is also easier to give ourselves less tasks in smaller time periods, especially when it comes to self development during our free time.

A small achievement is still an achievement. It is still a step forward, no matter how small.

Also, do not frown upon keeping a journal filled with material you know, you learn, ideas you have or anything that could come to your mind. I have seen people call it "second brain", but I do not know enough to write about it yet.

This October I was able to get back on learning Game Development. I gained a better understanding around Tilesets and Tilepalettes, Unity's new Input System, created a small 2D Platformer on my own using assets from's great talents and I am thinking on moving on with isometric 2.5D games.

But for the following month, I will not be doing that. For November I am thinking on deepening by knowledge around Web Development, experiment with Deno and see what it has to offer compared to Node.js and learn Next.js.

What about you? What did you work on in October and what are you planning next month? Could be tech or not related!

I'll leave one of the Lo-Fi playlists that I enjoyed this month. If you like this kind of music, enjoy.

And for anyone celebrating: Happy Halloween!🎃

Image by Freepik

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