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Time Management and Productivity for Developers

Ryan Souza on January 05, 2024

Why is time management important? How to manage time? Mental Dimension Physiological Dimension Technical Dimension Time Management Techniq...
dpark profile image

LOVE this post, lots here I already use and benefit from. The tricky thing for me is that it feels like any system or methodology works if I can stick to it, but my consistency is so tied to what feels like arbitrary energy levels :\

ryrden profile image
Ryan Souza

There are a lot of techniques to get back to your optimal point of productivity or get into a methodology or system as you said, the most famous is just drinking coffee, and another one is taking a cold shower, I can write an article about that too (motivation).

As the time passes, you get more used to do.

dpark profile image

For sure, what you mentioned reminds me of habit stacking, priming ourselves with a first step to start a productive cycle. Def am trying to lean less heavily on coffee but cold showers are great!

tiuwill profile image
Willian Ferreira Moya

Great article, really powerful techniques! I think you shared the 80/20 of the time management techniques that can help us the most! Thanks for the article.

I use the pomodoro technique a lot, speacially when I feel that I'm most distracted!
Sometimes I change the pomodoro settings a litle bit when I can, making 40 to 50 min sessions, and taking longer breaks 10 to 15 minutes. Making this change, I use those break minutes, to answer people, get a coffee, and read small chunks of a book (1 to 3 pages). Doing that allowed me to read 3 books about software testing and it felt effortless.

ryrden profile image
Ryan Souza

Nice comment, same here, sometimes I need to change the Pomodoro to fit with the situation but well, I thought that reaching this level of detail in my article would be too much, I mean, if you start to use Pomodoro, naturally you adapt yourself, the time and what you do to get back in focus as well

thongnv profile image
Tom Nguyen

Did you use promodo while writing this? :)

ryrden profile image
Ryan Souza

How did you know?? Haha, honestly I made this article in 4 weeks.

1° week: searching material and creating topics
2° week: start to write
3° week: images, review
4° week: more review from my friends and I posted,

random_ti profile image

Great Article for Developers 🔥 On Time Management.

ryrden profile image
Ryan Souza

Thanks for reading! Took a lot of time to write all this

aliadelnour profile image
Ali Nour Al Din

Awesome Blog

ryrden profile image
Ryan Souza


mrei91 profile image
Eri Irawan

Great article, thanks for sharing.

ryrden profile image
Ryan Souza

Thanks for reading!

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